Happy Tuesday everyone!!! I'm SOOOOO excited to feature THE BEST OF 2012....WEDDINGS!!! Every one of our wedding clients were FANTASTIC, and I mean seriously FAN-TAS-TIC!!! Justin and I truly to feel blessed to have worked with such wonderful couples! So here you go, not in order of greatness, just in order of date shot!:)

The last of our "Best of 2012" series will be finished off with our favorite rings shots of the up!
Shari Hanson said:
so fun! full of energy, color, emotion, ART, warmth, happiness! i love them all! great job on 2012! keep 'em comin' darlin :)
(02.19.13 04:50 PM)
Monica Justesen Photography said:
What a gorgeous collection! So many favorites!
(02.20.13 04:11 AM)
Kate Whitmore said:
You're so flipping good!
(02.20.13 05:58 AM)
Marisa Crider said:
SO much FUN looking through that post!
(02.20.13 01:15 PM)
Keri Lynn Photography said:
Wow, your images are wonderful, very creative and inspirational!
(02.20.13 09:17 PM)
ADAM Coberly said:
What a great year! So many great photos! Excited to see whats next!
(02.21.13 10:57 AM)
jackie said:
LOVE them all Amelia
(02.27.13 10:31 AM)
Tumbleweed Photography Studio said:
Love your photo composition. You have a very creative eye and you get some unique pictures! Love looking at your work.
(03.01.13 03:24 PM)
Mostafizur said:
Wow!!! Excellent photography.Thanks for sharing.
(06.20.13 09:29 PM)
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Best of 2012....Weddings!
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Since today is Valentine's Day I decided it would be appropriate to feature the BEST OF ENGAGEMENT images from last year!
Soooo, onto the next one...Featuring The BEST OF 2012....ENGAGEMENTS! La-la-la-la-LOVED all of these engagement sessions! Truly, engagement sessions bring me the MOST creative fulfillment, it's my favorite subject matter to photograph! Happy couples, in love, just having fun right in front of my lens!
Up next: The Best of 2012....WEDDINGS!
Dan Ward said:
Love these photos! Some absolutely stunning pictures! Looks like you had a great year! :)
(02.17.13 11:03 AM)
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Best of 2012....Engagements!
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