Happy Tuesday everyone!!! I'm SOOOOO excited to feature THE BEST OF 2012....WEDDINGS!!! Every one of our wedding clients were FANTASTIC, and I mean seriously FAN-TAS-TIC!!! Justin and I truly to feel blessed to have worked with such wonderful couples! So here you go, not in order of greatness, just in order of date shot!:)

The last of our "Best of 2012" series will be finished off with our favorite rings shots of the up!
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Best of 2012....Weddings!
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Shari Hanson said:
so fun! full of energy, color, emotion, ART, warmth, happiness! i love them all! great job on 2012! keep 'em comin' darlin :)
(02.19.13 04:50 PM)
Monica Justesen Photography said:
What a gorgeous collection! So many favorites!
(02.20.13 04:11 AM)
Kate Whitmore said:
You're so flipping good!
(02.20.13 05:58 AM)
Marisa Crider said:
SO much FUN looking through that post!
(02.20.13 01:15 PM)
Keri Lynn Photography said:
Wow, your images are wonderful, very creative and inspirational!
(02.20.13 09:17 PM)
ADAM Coberly said:
What a great year! So many great photos! Excited to see whats next!
(02.21.13 10:57 AM)
jackie said:
LOVE them all Amelia
(02.27.13 10:31 AM)
Tumbleweed Photography Studio said:
Love your photo composition. You have a very creative eye and you get some unique pictures! Love looking at your work.
(03.01.13 03:24 PM)
Mostafizur said:
Wow!!! Excellent photography.Thanks for sharing.
(06.20.13 09:29 PM)