If I'm going to shoot at a beach I always choose one that has a pier!:) Love this engagement session with Amber + Gabe in Newport Beach! I didn't mind that the marine-layer rolled in, I thought it added to the look and vibe of their images!

My favorite shot of the day!

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Amber + Gabe Engaged!
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angie said:
cuties!!! love this session!
(06.25.14 08:30 PM)
Lindsay said:
What a great setting for these pictures!
(06.28.14 09:24 PM)
Jay Kapor said:
wow! nice couple and I must say you're awesome. Fantastic by you. you're really great photographer.
(06.29.14 01:08 AM)
Fotos de casamento said:
Wedding photography is the photography of activities relating to weddings. It encompasses photographs of the couple before marriage. A picture is worth a thousand words but I think wedding photos are more than that, it consists of love, promise, memory, passion, and joy.
(07.05.14 12:58 AM)
Atlanta Wedding Photographers said:
Omg I'm DROOLING!!! Aaaah so gorgeous. :) Love the big architectural shots.
(07.09.14 12:16 PM)
Tre Cavil said:
Cute photo shoot. I really like the collage of photos. Nice touch!
(07.30.14 09:35 PM)
Mike Davis said:
I got to agree I really do like the addition of the pier in the beach sessions. Great shots, thanks for sharing.
(08.04.14 01:59 PM)