After prepping these images from Helen + Andy's engagement session I realized how much I LOVED this particular RadLab recipe (color toning) of these images, so I decided to share with all of my photographer friends out there!:)
RADLAB is truly RAD and a MUST HAVE for professional digital photographers! Made by our friends at TOTALLY RAD ACTIONS!, this is a tool that will bump your images up to the next level! I'm truly proud to stand behind and be an affiliate for them, because I literally use their product EVER time I sit down to artistically edit my images!
See the recipe I used for Helen + Andy's engagement session below! This is using RadLab within Photoshop (CS5 to be specific...I know, I know, I need to update!).

Now onto the actual engagement session! These two....were totally ADORABLE with one another, I could tell that they not only LOVED each other, but that they were also BEST FRIENDS....what a blessing to have that as a good foundation before getting married!
I'm looking forward the wedding in just a few weeks!
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Helen + Andy Engaged! Plus a Radlab Recipe!
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Katie Metka said:
You're so sweet for sharing a recipe! how fun! have you ever used the "skinny jeans" stylet in editing? radlab is the best!!
(07.19.13 12:02 PM)
Steve Webb said:
Hi Amelia,
Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.
I love the style, atmosphere and the feelings captured so well.
Thank you
(07.19.13 01:45 PM)
Danette said:
Love this session and thanks for the recipe. I love RadLab and use it every time as well.
I have not mastered the use of their black and white filters though and would love to see those recipes you use if you are so inclined to do another post...also the bright purple and blue on a couple of those photos are really fun, how did you achieve that?
Listen to me, I just got greedy didn't I?
(07.20.13 09:49 AM)
Photo Studios said:
What a cute couple they are! Lots of nice, big smiles. I really like how you took so many of the shots off-centre.
(07.22.13 09:30 AM)
Chris said:
From your experience, do clients like the more tonal/saturated photos or tend to stay with the more traditional black & white, etc..?
(07.24.13 06:48 AM)
Genie C- e2beauty said:
The photos came out so beautiful!! WOW! Amazing Amelia!!
(07.24.13 09:02 PM)
amelialyon said:
My clients hire me because they trust me to be the artist and I choose which images are color toned and black and white. I include my "artistic edits" like what you see on my blog along with simple color "proofs" for each client. Make sense?
(07.25.13 05:33 PM)