I shot this engagement session of the lovely Kaitlyn + Jordan a few weeks ago down in Corona Del Mar. Kaitlyn is yet another cousin of mine and I was delighted that she and her handsome fiancee wanted to hire us to photograph her engagement session and wedding!
I was particularly happy with not only Kaitlyn + Jordan as subjects to capture, but with the awesome natural light that was available that day, it was super warm...loved it! Here are some of my favs from the day:
Wedding to follow in August!
*On a totally random note, yesterday was my Birthday and I had a blast! I received so many birthday wishes via twitter, email, and facebook...thank you to all! If you would like to see a small documentation of my birthday celebration at the beach last night be sure to stop by Becker's blog to check it out, you'll also be able to watch an AMAZING rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song that was sang to me around the campfire, it was pretty funny!
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Paige Evans said:
I love the ones in the dark on the dock. So romantic! I've never seen pictures like that before.
(04.29.09 12:34 PM)
lroah said:
WOW. You seriously rock. Gorgeous couple!
(04.29.09 12:48 PM)
Molly Williams said:
wow... i think these pictures just won my favorite engagement session photos on any blog I have ever looked at...ever! They are magical but totally authentic! How do you make that happen!? Inspired and in awe... Molly
(04.29.09 01:04 PM)
Chad Morgan said:
Nice moments, Amelia. Nice work!
(04.29.09 01:35 PM)
Nathan Walker said:
Sweet e-session Amelia! Great job :)
(04.29.09 02:12 PM)
Daniel Lateulade said:
You killed it! I especially love the first two
(04.29.09 03:05 PM)
Austin said:
Rad rad rad e-session! Your dock pictures are great. I'm really digging twilight and night pictures lately and you did an awesome job with that! Oh yeah... and Happy Belated Birthday! Jean and I wanted to swing by the beach and celebrate with you, but she came down with the flu and I had to convince her all night she didn't get it from swine. =) Let's grab grub sometime!
(04.29.09 06:13 PM)
Navy Sou said:
What a gorgeous couple! Awesome, awesome imagery!!!
(04.29.09 06:31 PM)
Tracy Vogel said:
Ah, man I just love everything you guy's do! Just last week I shot an E-session on the beach (well, we call it a "beach"...there's really no such thing as beach's around here) and I was happy with how it went and then wow now I see your beach session and am just blown away! : ) Such nice work!
(04.29.09 08:12 PM)
Briony said:
what a gorgeous couple! i love the horizontal shot of them on the beach....the sun beaming in from the left. beautiful back-lighting, wonderful composition.
(04.29.09 08:14 PM)
Rich said:
I really like the shots on the dock, too! Congrats to the couple, awesome photos and it should be a great wedding!
(04.29.09 08:18 PM)
michelle cunningham said:
belated! these shots are wonderful! i was gonna say that the b&w's where my fav till i saw the flare shots and then i saw the night shots... i can't make up my mind!
(04.29.09 08:31 PM)
Mike said:
love the shots just at dusk. Just stunning.
(04.29.09 09:53 PM)
mike cunningham said:
Hawte, very hawte. I feel ok saying that too since her brother is my roomie and i can get away with it :) Love these two. I'll bet you had a blast with them. They are a riot. Love the laying down one on the sand - killer.
(04.29.09 11:00 PM)
mary said:
Beautiful images! Man... beauty runs deep in your family's genes. I love how big your family is! Mine is like 5 people..haha. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
(04.30.09 12:17 AM)
Chantel said:
Happy Belated Birthday!!! :)
This is one of my favorite shoots of ALL TIME! I love every single thing about it! Would you be willing to share your PP? It's absolutely perfect.
Heading over to hear the happy birthday song . . .
(04.30.09 06:41 AM)
Kayla said:
I love these! Especially the black and whites!
(04.30.09 07:30 AM)
leah said:
wow!!! she is some kinds of crazy photogenic!!!
(04.30.09 09:33 AM)
kelly spencer said:
you guy are looken good
(04.30.09 02:09 PM)
Yuka photo art said:
You are talanted photographer.....I love your work...Light, composition, moments....everythig is great on these pictures!!!
(04.30.09 08:00 PM)
jean smith said:
these are pretty much PERFECTION. LOVE them!
(05.01.09 12:49 AM)
Jenna said:
Who needs natural light when you can capture night shots like that? Beautiful work as always.
(05.01.09 02:42 AM)
Becka Knight (Studio222 Photography) said:
Holy smoking rock! Her ring looks ginormous in that black and white shot! GORGEOUS sesison!!!!!!!
(05.01.09 01:07 PM)
geri e. said:
you are simply amazing.
(and what a darling couple!)
(05.01.09 07:25 PM)
Semack said:
I just want to say I saw this in complete random passing and absolutely LOVE your photographs. You're so talented, you really are!!! I've really only seen these pics but I'd love to know more about you and your work! All the best :)
(05.02.09 12:08 AM)
melissa Johnston said:
I love your work! Fantastic you are such an inspiration :)
(05.02.09 07:53 AM)
Angela Hubbard said:
your photos BLOW ME AWAY -thanks for the inspiration!!!! wow!
(05.02.09 06:03 PM)
Ash McSorley said:
These are amazing! You did a great job.
(05.02.09 08:22 PM)
Cathy said:
Love those sexy flash shots!
(05.03.09 04:50 PM)
Sarah @ said:
Are you kidding? Her eyes look incredible in all of those! I'd love to have eyes like that!
Happy belated birthday!
(05.03.09 05:11 PM)
tate said:
I absolutely love these photos! I need to experiment with night shots!
(05.03.09 06:24 PM)
Stephanie McBride said:
um hello! what an insanely great session. thanks again for letting me crash your birthday party. it was a pleasure meeting you!
(05.04.09 12:44 PM)
AbiQ said:
beautiful! What a gorgeous couple!
(05.05.09 11:59 AM)
Bree@MemoryJournalists said:
WOW! Beautiful! Love the sun flare shots!
(05.05.09 03:21 PM)
Alicia said:
Amelia you amaze me with something new every time you post a new session. You are definitely one talented out of shape banana : ) (Referring to your shirt the day you shot Joey and I) You rock!
(05.13.09 02:32 AM)
Katie said:
These pictures are amazing-and this couple is gorgeous! WOW
(05.13.09 08:42 PM)
Holly Howe said:
oh my gosh! these photos are amazing!!! lucky pair up there! :)))
(05.14.09 01:02 PM)
kym rodda said:
loving off camera lighting for you... i've started trying it myself... in direct sun light... crazy.... it's different for me every time... i'm so right brained it's hard.... check out
we are a wife-husband duo....
kym rodda
(05.19.09 10:37 PM)