Okay, first of all, SO SORRY for the blog hiatus! Time to get my rear end in gear and get my blog post on! Kristyn + Ryan are the first of the week, they rocked this engagement session, it really is one of my favs of this year so far! Justin and I were especially entertained by their humor, we totally "got them" and they totally "got us"! That's the best recipe for a great portrait session. Now on to the eye candy:

Wedding to come in just two weeks! PS. Kristyn's hair & make-up done by none other than the talented Nicole DeAnne!

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jennifer said:
I love all of these! I tried to pick a favorite, but I just can't :) they are all great!
(06.15.10 12:22 PM)
Jen said:
lovely! i would never think to shoot in a location like this, but you've inspired me once again :)
(06.15.10 02:22 PM)
matt sloan said:
love it! :)
(06.15.10 04:04 PM)
Shari said:
just gorgeous! :)
(06.15.10 04:05 PM)
delbarr said:
(06.16.10 03:00 PM)
Christina Brosnan said:
I love all the clean lines. Really great series!
(06.17.10 03:52 AM)
Stacey Malleck said:
Yay! You blogged again!!
P.S. I missed you.
(06.17.10 03:40 PM)