We met Neville and Esther for their engagement session at The Camp in Costa Mesa. This was my first time visiting this location and it was awesome to have a new place to shoot at in that area. I also fell in love with the stores and surrounding restaurants, it was definitely my kind of place! We usually spend our time going to The Lab for shopping and to hang in the super cool atmosphere, now I am so glad to have another uber-fab place like The Camp to visit! Esther and Neville chose this location and I thought it fit them to the "T"!

Look out for Neville + Esther's wedding in September!
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Lindy said:
I absolutley love the you and me picture!! Those stairs rock!!!
(08.14.08 06:03 AM)
Rebecca Wood said:
gorgeous vintage yellow... how do you get this incredibly wash over your images? those stairs have caught my attention... any chance you know what the entire text says?
(08.14.08 06:04 AM)
ksen :) said:
seriously -- how does one pick a favorite?! these are outta control rad... i love, love the play on shadows sooooo much! the "you and me" killed me! your talent is crazy off the charts!!!!
(08.14.08 06:27 AM)
Carin said:
These are FABULOUS!!!! Those hammock shots are so creative and beautiful!!!! Great work!!!
(08.14.08 06:38 AM)
Nicole said:
Wow! My favorites are the one of them shot through the hammock netting and the one on the stairs. Awesome, awesome stuff!
(08.14.08 07:11 AM)
Olivia Leigh said:
love the DOF-y one on the hammock and the You + Me shot. Great work, as always!
(08.14.08 08:10 AM)
Rychelle said:
That shot on the stairs is SO FUN! =)
(08.14.08 08:16 AM)
Melissa said:
Awesome! I love the hammock ones!
(08.14.08 11:04 AM)
Linda Good-Hart said:
LOVE the hammock with feet shot.
(08.14.08 03:10 PM)
Nicole DeAnne said:
SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! I love it!
(08.14.08 04:26 PM)
Ryel j said:
L.O.V.E these beauties. you guys brought the creative juice... concentrated!!
(08.14.08 06:11 PM)
Oly said:
so cute... that last collage photos rocks :)
(08.14.08 07:33 PM)
hana said:
hi! i'm a bridesmaid for their wedding!!! and i LOOOVEEEEEEEE the pics you guys took for their engagement session!!!!! love love love love love them!!!!
(08.14.08 10:32 PM)
Caroline Ghetes said:
These are so creative and original! Absolutely inspiring and amazing! Beautiful!
(08.15.08 12:51 AM)
karin dailey said:
duuuude. you guys are totally my new favorite photographers to watch! love this post!
(08.16.08 07:45 PM)
Tonya said:
It was so fun to run into you in Santa Monica last week waiting for our weddings...
Funny to recognize you and your husband from seeing you on Blu domain...congrats!
I love your much yummy stuff on here...
have a great night!
(08.16.08 08:11 PM)
Chelo said:
I really love the light bands across their eyes. The shots on the hammock and staircase are beautiful!!!
congratulations too.
(08.17.08 05:04 AM)
evelyn said:
seriously your so good!!!!!!! love these
(08.17.08 02:51 PM)
Janey said:
I love the the black and white shot of their profiles and their noses are touching. I don't know - there is something about it that makes me smile inside. So cute! Love this session - lots of emotion and FUN!
(08.18.08 12:16 PM)
Roger W Ellsworth said:
Hello? I DON'T THINK SO. I'm making a suggestion to all other photographers...don't do what these crazy people, the LYONS do (I'm never that negative, but come on) umm, shadows a problem much? I DON'T THINK SO!! AH (amelia and hud), thank you! For what you ask? That's a stupid question, don't ask it. Just listen hard this time and feel it when I say Thank You. I'm tired. THANK YOU!
(08.18.08 10:43 PM)
Kate said:
Very Nice shot!
(09.03.08 11:58 PM)