Justin and I shot this session or Rachel + Todd in San Francisco! I was DELIGHTED to take a quick trip to San Fran for this engagement session, especially because I LOVE the food and city life there! Any excuse to travel to the Bay Area is a good excuse to me!
Rachel + Todd were fun & playful, we had such a sweet afternoon with them!

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Rachel + Todd Engaged!
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Jonathan Connolly said:
Love them all!!! Great work Amelia!
(05.24.11 05:04 PM)
Sara said:
These pics are absolutely gorgeous. I love the depth and height to so many of them. Excellent job! Gives me plenty to practice :)
(05.24.11 05:22 PM)
Derek Frenzel said:
Love the stripey pole shot with the bird- nice capture! Man, do I want to travel now... :)
(05.24.11 08:16 PM)
richard cao said:
awesome set!
(05.24.11 11:01 PM)
Stephanie Stringfellow said:
AMELIA!!!! This is my friend Todd! hahah How did they find you! Are you doing their reception? How fun?? Todd- if you read this, Amelia is my cousin! Cool huh?? Congrats btw!! :)
(05.24.11 11:04 PM)
Rachel said:
I love them so much!!! Amelia- you are the best. Thanks again for everything! I feel so lucky to have gotten to work with you! Todd and I had a blast :) and I am craving those macarons!!!
(05.24.11 11:26 PM)
Marielle Hayes said:
GREAT photos! Love the ones at the Palace of Fine Arts!
(05.25.11 12:25 AM)
Rog said:
Rog was here.
(05.25.11 01:42 AM)
Nic said:
Love these..The fun had, coming through..Love the 4th B&W shot..
(05.25.11 01:53 AM)
Jennifer said:
Love this engagement session!! :)
(05.25.11 07:42 AM)
Rachel Tatem said:
Such sweet pictures. They seem so real which is not as common as you would hope. I have never been to San Fransisco but I have always wanted to go.
(05.25.11 08:10 AM)
Jesse said:
Loving these!
(05.25.11 10:39 AM)
kristen marie said:
beautiful colors and emotions.
(05.26.11 08:55 AM)
Emily Faulknor said:
I simply ADORE this session and this couple. So beautiful friend!
(05.26.11 03:19 PM)
Laura Burlton said:
I am loving the colors in these. Really beautiful!
(05.27.11 10:34 AM)
anna said:
i LOVE these photos!! beautiful!!!
and green looks SO good on her!! perf!
(05.27.11 01:59 PM)
jay said:
Dope shoot Amelia! Love the black and white with all the people surrounding them.
(05.29.11 03:32 PM)