The color of this engagement session truly brightens my day! Scott + Ashley were rockstars in front of my camera! I actually knew Scott's sister and mom a looooong time ago when we all worked together in the retail store of Ralph Lauren...yes, I use to work retail! Anyway, this engagement session makes me happy, enjoy. :)
as_blog003.jpgas_blog004.jpgas_blog005.jpgas_blog006.jpgas_blog007.jpgas_blog008.jpgas_blog009.jpgMy favorite shot of the day!
as_blog013.jpgas_blog014.jpgas_blog015.jpgMy second fav from the day!
Scott + Ashley are due to tie the knot in June!

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Katherine said:
Love these! Your favorite is my favorite! I like the last one a lot too!
(04.15.10 04:26 PM)
Kat Speyer said:
Love it! You guys do great things with light!
(04.15.10 06:34 PM)
Erin Woolsey said:
this couple looks so incredibly happy together--their smiles make me smile, PLUS it also helps that the images are so imaginative, great lighting, and nice tilty-siftness.
(04.15.10 08:10 PM)
Kayleen T. said:
Love your favorite! And I love her bow belt! So cute.
(04.15.10 08:20 PM)
Mel said:
Sixth one from the bottom makes me feel warm and happy!
(04.15.10 09:40 PM)
Rog said:
Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon. Ready? Here we go: Scott served a mission in the South Dakota Rapid City Mission with Oren Stubbs. Oren and I grew up together. I served a mission in the South Dakota Rapid City Mission with Tyler Patterson. Tyler Patterson's dad is Kevin Bacon's financial adviser. Done and done. Tell the kids I love them and I'll be home after the movie! Goodnight!
(04.15.10 10:46 PM)
Melissa Munding said:
Wow, her eyes are AMAZING! Love this shoot, love the colors and the light! You're my favorite : )
(04.16.10 01:46 AM)
Christie said:
Rockstar location and clients! These pictures make me smile. :))))
(04.16.10 07:50 AM)
applem00n said:
nice work! love those backdrops!
(04.16.10 09:01 AM)
Shari said:
awesome! ...and can't wait for the lyon shop!
(04.16.10 09:39 AM)
Derek Frenzel said:
Love the pipe shot- great angle!
(04.16.10 03:22 PM)
Jeff Thompson said:
Great shoot! These photos look amazing! Can't wait for the wedding.
(04.16.10 03:32 PM)
kristen Tourtillotte said:
Awesome. Love the light. A lot of chemistry between those two!
(04.17.10 10:51 AM)
Tara said:
SUPER DUPER love the feel of these! Great couple.
(04.17.10 11:18 AM)
Karen Norman said:
Amelia - These are beautiful! I had a hard time deciding which ones to get. I love all of the effects you use, and it's very exciting to see the pics up here on your blog. Great job - looking forward to seeing you at the wedding!
(04.17.10 04:06 PM)
Katie Hatch said:
Hi Amelia! I'm so excited to see you at the wedding, it's been too long...just make sure to make me look skinny, OK? ;-) haha! Your fave is my fave too. Aren't they great together?
(04.18.10 11:19 AM)
Scott Hayden said:
So happy with how these came out! Im excited to see what the wedding shots will look like. Thanks again!
(04.18.10 03:22 PM)
Emily said:
what an adorable couple! a stunning photos!
(04.21.10 06:24 PM)
Micah Cordes said:
last shot is AWESOME. great shoot!
(04.24.10 04:34 PM)
The Memory Journalists said:
Beautiful shoot! Love the colors. Such nice work.
(04.26.10 02:42 PM)
francis said:
bad. a$$. you are a master of light + composition. I really like this set. you framed this couple perfectly. and your fav of the day is my fav of the set as well. thanks!
(04.26.10 06:08 PM)