'Tis the season! Everyone is engaged and everyone wants their engagement photos to be take in preparation for the big wedding day. What a fun time of year for Amelia Lyon Photography, so busy shooting, it's awesome to have a full bucket and a full schedule!

Justin and I shot this engagement session of Tiffany + Wylie at a park we've always loved. So many elements to work with, it was sweet!
wt_eng001.jpgwt_eng002.jpgwt_eng003.jpgwt_eng004.jpgwt_eng005.jpgwt_eng006.jpgwt_eng007.jpgwt_eng008.jpgwt_eng009.jpgwt_eng010.jpgwt_eng011.jpgwt_eng012.jpgwt_eng013.jpgwt_eng014.jpgwt_eng015.jpgwt_eng016.jpgHad such a hard time choosing one, so I'm choosing two favorite shots of the day! Love these two photos together as a diptych!

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Andrew Cahill said:
Gorgeous, love the 2 favs at the bottom
(05.12.11 02:12 PM)
Camille said:
Wow, the one of them in the distance under the tree that is so green a beautiful....Stunning! What a beautiful session!
(05.12.11 03:52 PM)
Alisia K said:
gorgeous session!!
(05.12.11 08:50 PM)
Becky McArthur said:
These are great Amelia!
(05.13.11 03:52 PM)
Kelsey Gerhard said:
So, SO pretty. Such lovely, LOVELY light. Just discovered your blog... lucky, LUCKY me!
(05.14.11 12:06 PM)
Heather Hamer said:
These are so beautiful! The willow trees make it so romantic.
(05.14.11 09:32 PM)
rog said:
Rog was here
(05.16.11 12:07 AM)
nancy {so happi together} said:
Tiffy and Wylie are the cutest and sweetest couple! You totally captured their love and I can't wait for you to capture their special day! The shots by the tree and water are breathtaking!!
(05.16.11 01:08 PM)
Lori Anderson said:
Cute couple, awesome location! And the flare...perfect!
(05.16.11 09:23 PM)
Whitney warner said:
I haven't left a message in awhile, sorry about that! I'm loving this photo shoot, it's so beautiful! You know me and Danielle love all your work though!
(05.18.11 08:15 AM)
Rachel Tatem said:
I love the playful nature of the picture near the tree. Hand held heads together. Reminds me of scenes with small children, bashful even.
(05.19.11 03:13 PM)
Sara Carter said:
oh they are so sweet and snuggly! you're seriously a magician, amelia. these are beautiful!
(05.21.11 12:35 AM)
NVisible Aaron said:
I love the tilt-shift photography you have. Is that a lensbaby or done in post? I can't tell so it's a good job either way :)
(05.28.11 12:52 AM)
Beverly said:
These are beautiful photos! Where is this location? It looks so lush and gorgeous!
(07.01.11 10:54 PM)
Tina said:
love the photos! where did she get her crochet sweater?? lovesss it.... can you please find out?? =)
(08.14.11 07:19 PM)