Happy Anniversary to my most favorite person...aka my Justin!!! I'm SO glad you came up and said hello the first time you saw me and I'm SO glad you stole my heart away! Thank you for being the best husband of all time, for loving me, for loving our children, and for everyday that you make me laugh. These past 9 years have been amazing, here's to another million! I love you Hud, thanks for giving me your forever! -love your wifey-
photo by Angie Sloan
A look back exactly 9 years ago! Thanks Matt for taking this pic of us!

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Matt Sloan said:
You guys are the cutest!! Glad to of been with you the past 9 yrs. Seriously so happy. :)
(08.02.11 05:16 PM)
Brooke Palmer said:
Beautiful!! You guys are such a stunning couple...Miss both of you! happy anniversary :D
(08.02.11 05:49 PM)
Heidi said:
SO CUTE! Congrats! Love the O.G. pic!
(08.02.11 07:51 PM)
Jesse Tenorio said:
Congrats! Still as happy as ever, woohoo!
(08.02.11 08:22 PM)
Jeffroger Kho said:
Wow! Happy happy anniversary Amelia and Justin =) I say it like we're super close hehehe. Just a fan of your work.
(08.03.11 09:28 AM)
becky said:
congrats you guys!! i love that top photo.
(08.03.11 10:08 AM)
AllieN said:
Aww I love your wedding pic, so amazing to reminise! Happy anniversary!!!!
(08.03.11 12:56 PM)
Anda said:
awwww, happy anniversary amelia and justin!! my husband and i share the same anny date with you guys :)
(08.03.11 03:36 PM)
Chris Parker said:
(08.05.11 09:19 AM)
Amanda Hagood said:
Awww...happy anniversary! You guys look great now, and you look like BABIES in your wedding photo. Wow! So adorable!
(08.08.11 10:18 AM)
Anne said:
Happy Anniversary! :)
(08.09.11 08:03 AM)
sandie said:
I love love love you guys! I Love that we bonded over our weddings being so close and I most all the LOVE that you and Justin share LOVE with everyone you meet! You are truly AMAZING, WONDERFUL, BRILLIANT people!
(08.10.11 01:50 PM)
SR said:
Many congratulations!
(08.19.11 08:58 AM)
Jen B said:
I love this. I remember that day. I remember the soda bar and I remember how happy and in love you were. YOu still are and you're a model for an amazing marriage for myself and my husband. Love to you guys.
(12.06.11 09:33 PM)