Calling all cool catz in south-eastern Idaho, we're making a visit to the Idaho Falls area September 11th-September 15th and we would LOVE to do a few portrait session while we are around! Please contact Amelia ASAP if you are interested in booking a sitting with us at Also keep in mind that Saturday September 13th is unavailable, we will be shooting a wedding that day. Can't wait to see who jumps on board!

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kristin said:
Oh Girl.. I love Idaho. I was born there and we might move out there some day! Have fun, it will be beautiful!
(09.04.08 10:30 PM)
ROGER W Ellsworth said:
So what if I told you that we bought plane tickets for my little family to go to Idaho for a sitting with the Lyons? Ironic because we only live 45 minutes from each other in southern california and we text on our cellular telephones. It's not quite true about the tickets...we don't have them...besides, if we had a sitting with the Lyons, It would be on our couch watching the Chargers. Was that an invite? I'm confused.
(09.06.08 08:24 AM)
Rich and Laurie said:
Hey there! Call us if you guys have some time! I have been following your blog and we would love to chat about the biz (I have been thinking about it) and just catch up! love, Laurie (and
Rich and family)
(09.09.08 09:18 PM)