YIPPEE! Our next LYON-SHOP is sold out for January 12th!!! We're super excited to meet all of the new attendees! If you missed out on this one, not to worry, we definitely will be doing this again in the future! If you would like to be put on the waiting list email Happy Monday everyone!!!
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LYON-SHOP, Part Trois...Sold OUT!
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Olivia said:
Awesome shots! I love the one with the palm trees and the birls flying over (your second fav. shot of the day). It's great!
(11.12.09 09:51 AM)
Kate said:
When will you bring it to the east coast?! Interested in NYC :)
(11.12.09 09:56 PM)
amelialyon said:
Hey Kate, There are no plans of taking the LYON-SHOP to the east coast, BUT that doesn't mean it won't happen. Thanks for the suggestion!
(11.13.09 12:29 AM)
Heather Espana said:
Yay! So excited! Now I just gotta figure out where to stay when I get down there!
(11.13.09 03:36 PM)
Alex (Russia) said:
All photos are very nice and lovely!
(04.02.10 06:53 AM)