I say this every year & I'll say it again...where does the time go?! How in the WORLD do I already have a 6 year old?! What an AMAZING kid Hudson has turned out to be, I always knew he'd be great, but he's exceeded any of mine & Justin's expectations by far! I am the most lucky & blessed person in the world to have this kid call me mom!

Like tradition, here are some fun little bits & pieces about Hudson since his last birthday post:
1. He is already super tall, he comes all the way to my armpit, I bet by the time he turns ten he'll be taller than me!
2. Got his first pair of glasses this year! He looks like a stud in them too!
3. Loves anything electronic (ie. video games, my laptop, the ipad).
4. Loves anything that has to do with Dinosaurs (T-rex is his absolute favorite).
5. Loves anything to do with Super Mario Brothers.
6. Loves anything to do with Legos.
7. Loves coloring and drawing, he's really into art right now!
8. His favorite kind of book to get from the library is not a story book, he likes to get informational books. He enjoys learning about the human heart, or snakes, sharks, and spiders.
9. Still loves raw mushrooms to snack on, but for sure his favorite snack is string cheese or a Mrs. Fields m&m cookie!
10. Has discovered that he's special because he is double jointed in his fingers.
11. Always is really good about taking his little brother Sloan under his wing and making Sloan feel protected when scared.
12. Favorite pass time is to build a fort with dad!
13. Is really good and fast at riding his razor.
14. Has learned how to read & write words, it amazes me what 7 months of kindergarten can do for a kid!
15. Is super affectionate with the whole family, loves to give kisses & hugs! Sometimes Sloan has to run away from Hudson's kisses, "Mooooooom, Hudson is using his kisses as weapons again!" LOL!
16. Has had fun participating in basketball & soccer this year.
17. Is the best at telling me what he learns everyday in detail, the kid absorbs information like his father!
18. His favorite ride at Disneyland is Big Thunder Mountain because he's tall enough to ride it!
Happy happy birthday Hudson dear, your dad and I love you more than you'll ever know!
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My Beautiful Life said:
Happy Birthday to your little Hudson. Those glasses are adorable on him.
P.S. You should bring him to the Indianapolis Children's Museum-it is the largest children's Museum in the world, and he would go nuts in Dinosphere. It is amazing. They have a little dig site, a paleontologist lab that you can watch them working on actual fossils, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff.
I know my little guy will be 6 before I know it. He wil be turning 4 in just a few how the time flies.
Best to you and your sweet little family.
(04.12.11 06:59 PM)
Chelsea Biggs said:
I had to comment because everything your Hudson does and loves is EXACTLY what Wyatt loves!! And to top it off Wyatt got glasses too this year. LOL! We should get them together!!
(04.12.11 07:35 PM)
Stevi Savage said:
So sweet. Makes me want to have a little kiddo of my own.
(04.12.11 08:52 PM)
SR said:
Every kid should have such awesome glasses! Happy Birthday to Hudson!
(04.12.11 09:53 PM)
Jessie said:
I NEED to HUG those two boys!! Hudson is so grown up and very handsome ... we are so proud of him, Sloan and their parents too! Beautiful photos, I love this tradition!
(04.13.11 09:01 AM)
michelle carrillo said:
so cute!!!
(04.13.11 04:37 PM)
Kathleen said:
Wow!! He's gotten so crazy big!! Didn't I just see him in January looking like a baby boy still! It's crazy how fast kids grow!
(04.14.11 12:02 AM)
Brooke Palmer said:
I cant BELIEVE how BIG he has gotten!!
(04.14.11 04:32 PM)
caroline lee said:
just gorgeous, guys!! Hudson is so Justin and Sloan is so Amelia! (do you guys get that a lot??) totally love this post. so much love here!! xo
(04.15.11 07:04 AM)
tate tullier said:
I love the glasses. What an adorable kid. Great photos!
(04.15.11 09:22 AM)
Shelley Freckleton said:
Hudson! You look so handsome in your glasses! Happy birthday! It will be fun to see you this summer!! :)
(04.17.11 09:28 PM)
Grandma MAGGA said:
Oh my gosh - I AM CRYING JUST READING ALL HIS AMAZING-NESS! I too am grateful to have him call me "Magga" aka Grandma - He is such a terrific kid and that come from terrific parents - You two are so good to your wonderful boys. Dad and I are thankful for that too! YES I need all these pictures for my home walls to hang! Thank you for having your cute kids for us to LOVE! We love you all! Love MOM and DAD
(04.18.11 04:59 PM)
Image Masking said:
So sweet Hudson..:)
(08.08.11 12:26 AM)