It's finally time to let the cat out the bag! We have another little baby on the way and could not be more EXCITED!!! Last Wednesday Justin and I went to our big ultrasound and we saw this perfect little person:
I'm 18 weeks along and it's becoming quite hard to hide the growing baby bump, so I'm super excited to finally embrace it and let the world know of our family's joy! This has been quite an emotional roller coaster, what a wonderful blessing it was to see a healthy strong little baby on the ultrasound monitor!

We also got to find out the sex of this little Lyon! If you want to know what it is, watch this little video:
We're expecting!!! from amelia lyon on Vimeo.
We TRULY feel blessed for this wonderful opportunity to bring another child into our lives! God has been so good to us and we are eternally grateful for His willingness and trust in us to let us raise this little spirit in our family! This little Lyon is due to arrive mid-September!
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There's another little Lyon on the way!
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Bryce said:
(04.19.11 03:03 PM)
Chenin said:
so excited for you guys! And Scout is thrilled to have a friend on the way ;)
(04.19.11 03:03 PM)
Sara Carter said:
SO SO SO SO SO incredibly excited for you guys! And that video was darling. Baby Lyon will love to watch that some day i'm sure! :)
can't wait to see the big ol baby bump on our shoot :)
(04.19.11 03:03 PM)
bethany said:
AWW CONGRATS LYON FAMILY!!! threes are so cute :) :) :)
(04.19.11 03:04 PM)
The Rhoads said:
Ameila & Justin- We are so so happy for you to expand your already beautiful family. You two are going to be such amazing parents to this little girl!! STOKED for you!
(04.19.11 03:05 PM)
nancy {so happi together} said:
ACK!!! Amelia and Justin! Eddie and I are so overwhelmingly happy for your growing family! You guys truly deserve the best and we are thrilled to hear that you baby daughter is healthy and on her way! Congratulations!! We can't wait to meet her in person soon! :)
(04.19.11 03:05 PM)
Emily Faulknor said:
Amelia and Justin, we could not be more excited for you to have this little miracle, especially a girl after two boys!!! Thanks for sharing. I LOVE watching these videos. She is so blessed already to have such a wonderful and loving family to welcome her in to this world. Congratulations!!
(04.19.11 03:05 PM)
ken said:
congratulations to the lyon family. we love you guys!
(04.19.11 03:07 PM)
Nelly said:
(04.19.11 03:11 PM)
Kelly Cummings said:
What a cute way to tell your boys! So cute! Congratulations!
(04.19.11 03:11 PM)
lydia {ever ours} said:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! love the baby sister dance too.
(04.19.11 03:12 PM)
Tania said:
Omg omg omg!! A girl!! What an amazing news!! Congrats Lyon family, can't wait to see her!! xxx
(04.19.11 03:13 PM)
AmyPunky Photography said:
(04.19.11 03:14 PM)
angel swanson said:
YAYYYY!!! SO excited to hear you are having a baby girl! ;-)
(04.19.11 03:14 PM)
Steve Gerrard said:
So does that qualify as a pride of Lyons now? :)
Massive congrats. You make cute little people.
(04.19.11 03:14 PM)
Krysta said:
After becoming a Mummy myself, nothing gets me more emotional than babies! CONGRATS!!!!!
(04.19.11 03:14 PM)
Jill ison said:
How exciting and wonderful! Loved the video with the boys dancing. Nice touch :) !! Congrats!
(04.19.11 03:14 PM)
Anne said:
Congratulations! We happen to think that 3 is perfect! :)
(04.19.11 03:15 PM)
allison rodgers said:
SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEE! A girl!!!!
(04.19.11 03:16 PM)
Melanie said:
(04.19.11 03:20 PM)
julie fitts said:
woop! congratulations! so happy for you five! the Lyon five.
(04.19.11 03:24 PM)
Shanna Nemrow said:
CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited for you & your family! And you look BEAUTIFUL!!!!
(04.19.11 03:25 PM)
jen@greenweddingshoes said:
Such a cute video!! Congrats you guys!!! :)
(04.19.11 03:25 PM)
Rhonda said:
Congratulations!! I'm also pregnant with our third, after 2 boys! We won't know the sex for a few more weeks, but you give me hope it could be a girl!
(04.19.11 03:26 PM)
Amanda Patrice said:
Awe, that's so awesome!
(04.19.11 03:26 PM)
K.D. Brady said:
I am beyond excited for you guys!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet your little GIRL!!!!!!
(04.19.11 03:29 PM)
Stephanie said:
Congratulations! I love the way you told your kids :)
(04.19.11 03:30 PM)
christy cropper said:
ohmigoodness SO CUTE!
(04.19.11 03:30 PM)
Shelley Freckleton said:
Yeah!!!!!! What an exciting blessing! :) we r so happy for you all. The boys will be the best helpers!
(04.19.11 03:33 PM)
Jean Smith said:
YAYYYYYYY!!! That's so amazing...a healthy baby girl!!! Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
(04.19.11 03:34 PM)
Weddingish said:
CONGRATULATIONS! How wonderfully exciting!
(04.19.11 03:35 PM)
ANDA said:
AHHH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! And this video? WAY TOO CUTE! So happy for your family :)
(04.19.11 03:36 PM)
Melissa Gartner said:
Amelia that is so exciting!!! Your first girl and a little sister for the boys. She's going to be beautiful!!
(04.19.11 03:37 PM)
matt sloan said:
congrats guys! girls change everything for the best!
(04.19.11 03:46 PM)
Melissa Jackson said:
Congrats you guys! That's great news :)
(04.19.11 03:47 PM)
Trista Lerit said:
Congrats you two!!!! So excited for you both!! Your boys are adorable :-)
(04.19.11 03:47 PM)
Leon said:
That's great news, you guys! Massive congrats! (And I'm glad to see I'm not the only one whose house is dominated by toys!)
(04.19.11 03:54 PM)
Marissa Rodriguez said:
(04.19.11 03:55 PM)
kati said:
AWESOME to hear your getting a lil'pink bundle! Congratulations!
(04.19.11 03:58 PM)
jenn said:
so so happy you're having a girl amelia :) your little fam keeps getting cuter and cuter!
(04.19.11 04:08 PM)
Melissa @ The Loveliest Day said:
Hooray!!! Bryan and I are so ridiculously excited for you! Lots of love and hugs to you, Justin + your adorable boys.
(04.19.11 04:30 PM)
Cathy and David said:
(04.19.11 04:43 PM)
Aunt Julieann Pond (the favorite Aunt) said:
(04.19.11 04:44 PM)
Hanssie Trainor said:
Yay! Congratulations to you both!!
(04.19.11 04:46 PM)
Shauna said:
ZOMG! Fantabulous news!! Congrats on the sweet little bundle coming your way :)
(04.19.11 04:47 PM)
Heather Kincaid said:
So exciting!! That video was so adorable!!
Congratulations!! :)
(04.19.11 04:50 PM)
delbarr said:
yay!! so excited for you guys!! she's going to be SO loved :)
(04.19.11 05:04 PM)
Maria said:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your generosity of spirit is unbelievable. This is such a precious moment and the fact that you've shared it with us, the people who follow the blog and watch and love you from a distance is just amazing!! All the very best with this pregnancy. I can't wait for her to come.
(04.19.11 05:05 PM)
vanessa warren said:
SO amazing ... congratulations ... she will be so CUTE.
(04.19.11 05:10 PM)
Araceli said:
Congrats Lyon Family!! I knew it was a girl before I watched the video ;) Lucky guess!
(04.19.11 05:15 PM)
Sara Bliss said:
How exciting!! Congratulations!! I love your little video. My favorite part was doing the baby sister dance. LOL! What joy!
(04.19.11 05:19 PM)
Melissa perlman said:
Lyons! I'm so excited for you guys:) congrats!
And that video! Geesh! How cute:)
(04.19.11 05:20 PM)
maria said:
how exciting!! congrats, amelia + justin! :)
(04.19.11 05:26 PM)
rog said:
Good golly friends! Congrats and love from our family, especially from Mav though, because I have a feeling he'll be into the news the most. We'll have to watch them on camp-outs and make sure there's no making out until they're at least 10. ps, I'm going to do the "having a baby sister dance" at our next reception.
(04.19.11 05:34 PM)
Jennifer said:
Congratulations!! She is going to be beautiful!! :)
(04.19.11 05:47 PM)
The Lanning's said:
congrats!!!! so sweet!
(04.19.11 05:52 PM)
Kelly Tunney said:
YAY!!! So exciting for you all. Baby sister happy dance was awesome!
(04.19.11 06:17 PM)
casey said:
I love how you shared this in video...I think for our next we will steal your awesome idea. Definitely got me excited for you!! CONGRATS!!!!
(04.19.11 06:36 PM)
kelli taylor said:
(04.19.11 06:51 PM)
barbara dieppa said:
Congrats to the whole family!!!!! May you have a happy and healthy little bundle of joy!
(04.19.11 07:42 PM)
Paige Evans said:
Awww, yay, a little girl! So happy and excited for you! You better show us LOTS and LOTS of your (AMAZING!) photos of her when she's born!
(04.19.11 07:59 PM)
erin h. said:
eeeeek... so excited for you all! :) congratulations!
(04.19.11 08:02 PM)
jac kaiser said:
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
(04.19.11 08:59 PM)
Mark Brooke said:
(04.19.11 09:43 PM)
Caitlin said:
Congratulations! I was trying so hard not to read the comments before the present came out of the box! hahaha!
(04.19.11 09:44 PM)
Angie+Matt said:
YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So so so so so happy you are having a little girl!!!! Can't wait to see the little cutie pie!
(04.19.11 09:48 PM)
Kayleen T. said:
Congrats! So happy for your family! I love the way you told your boys! Our #3 will be here in about 2.5 weeks.
(04.19.11 09:56 PM)
Lotje said:
I'm so excited for you guys! Congratulations! And it's gonna be a girl, how great is that?
Enjoy it x
(04.19.11 10:22 PM)
Kathleen Hennessey said:
Ahhhhh!!! So amazing, and I am so very stoked for you guys! Congrats congrats! She is going to be the luckiest little girl with the most amazing parents, and of course, the coolest big brothers ever!! xoxo
(04.19.11 11:47 PM)
Jay and Tessa said:
CONGRATS Amelia! We are so happy for you and your growing family. Can't wait to see the photographs of the new addition to come. YOU GO GIRL! (that's what Jay said)
(04.20.11 12:15 AM)
Chad Zellner said:
Ahhhhhh Congrats!!
(04.20.11 06:51 AM)
Kelsey Murphy said:
Ahhhh! How exciting! Congratulations to your family. Such an amazing and wonderful blessing. Your boys are adorable and will be such good big brothers :) Love the video - so much joy in one house. Happy Easter to you all!
(04.20.11 07:58 AM)
imthiaz houseman said:
congratulations Lyon family! you are so blessed!
(04.20.11 08:54 AM)
Jenelle Sewell said:
This is precious!!! congrats!!!!
(04.20.11 08:59 AM)
My Beautiful Life said:
That is so wonderful! What an adorable way to break the news to the boys. :) Congratulations to your beautiful little family!
(04.20.11 09:07 AM)
Jessica said:
Congratulations!! I have two boys as well and am sort of scared to have a third, so good on you! haha ;)
(04.20.11 09:22 AM)
Becky McArthur said:
How exciting for you guys!!!! A GIRL!!! Yay!!! You will love having a little more pink and purple around the house. :) Congrats!
(04.20.11 09:45 AM)
Brooke Romney said:
We are so excited for you guys!! Looks like I'm just about 1 week behind you!
(04.20.11 10:20 AM)
geri e. said:
Congratulations!!! Your boys are so darling. LOVE the Baby Sister Dance.
(04.20.11 10:47 AM)
Catherine Guidry said:
Amelia, I follow your blog consistently. And I wanted to say congratulations!! That's so exciting. I also wanted to let you know that I shared some of your images at a local Camera meeting for inspiration to everyone! :)
(04.20.11 11:51 AM)
SR said:
Congrats!!! What exciting news!!!
(04.20.11 12:01 PM)
Vanessa said:
Big congrats to your growing family...all the best :]
(04.20.11 12:04 PM)
Yana said:
Congratulations you guys!!! What a blessing for a beautiful family!
(04.20.11 02:26 PM)
Heather Hamer said:
That's fantastic! Congratulations!
(04.20.11 02:42 PM)
Shawn said:
Congrats to the Lyons!!!
(04.20.11 04:14 PM)
Lyndsey Johnson said:
I love your work and check in pretty regularly ... but when I saw this and then watched the little video I actually had a tear and laughed out loud! Congrats and God Bless!
(04.20.11 07:01 PM)
Drae said:
so super excited for all of you!! congratulations!
(04.20.11 08:24 PM)
Korie Herold said:
congratulations! So excited for you guys!!
(04.20.11 09:03 PM)
emily & drew said:
OMG! this is the cutest video EVER!! congratulations to you and your family! you are going to have the most beautiful little girl! :)
(04.20.11 09:15 PM)
Kristine & Ron Atienza said:
Congrats to our dear Lyons!! So freaking excited you guys are finally having a GIRL!!! LOVE the *baby sister* dance!!! Way too cute!!!
(04.20.11 09:16 PM)
Marianne said:
A girl!!!!!! So excited for you guys!
(04.20.11 09:26 PM)
Myriah Grubbs said:
(04.20.11 11:04 PM)
Natalie said:
Congratulations! What a beautiful family... only gonna get better. ;)
(04.21.11 07:49 AM)
jennifer nichols said:
Congrats Lyon family! This is the most adorable video ever. My 6-year old kept asking to see it again.
(04.21.11 11:20 AM)
Laura said:
Congrats Ameila.. :) Welcome to the club this year... I just let my bloggers know also .. :) So happy for u guys!!
(04.21.11 06:12 PM)
Anna said:
What a sweet video!
(04.21.11 08:07 PM)
Annie said:
oh my, that was just the cutest. congrats congrats! :)
(04.21.11 11:18 PM)
Jennifer Gilmore said:
Congratulations you guys and welcome to the world of three kiddos! :) It may rock your world at the beginning (it did to us) - but it is the best!!!! Good thing you are getting a girl - now everyone won't keep asking - "Are you going to TRY for a girl" :) You have adorable kids so I am sure she will be beautiful as ever.
(04.22.11 05:03 PM)
Chie Talde said:
My husband, Puy, and I have been viewing your blog because we've admired your work for so long, but have never really gotten the guts to comment. (We found out about you through our friend, Oly of MetroPhoto.) Seeing the joy of your family, I can't help but "break our silence" :D
Congratulations on this wonderful blessing! Have a safe and healthy pregnancy!
(04.22.11 06:55 PM)
Mollie said:
Congratulations! That is so exciting!
(04.23.11 12:28 AM)
ADAM Coberly said:
Congrats! You have an amazing family! Blessings!
(04.23.11 06:11 AM)
kristen holly said:
Eeek! Congratulations!!! So happy for you! We have a little one on the way too... due in 6 days! :)
(04.23.11 07:54 AM)
heather saunders said:
CONGRATULATIONS Lyon's! I am thrilled for you to experience a GIRLY-Q!!!! Hope you are all well, with love and respect. HS!
(04.24.11 06:24 AM)
Bethany Giannini said:
Congratulations Amelia! Exciting news! I wish you and your little one health and happiness!
(04.24.11 08:14 AM)
Kelly Aida said:
Congrats!! You guys are great parents!
(04.24.11 02:13 PM)
Ruth said:
HOORAY and Congrats!! I remember the chat we had last year about the idea of a new baby:) This little girl is going to be so blessed to have you and Justin as her parents, and to also have 2 protective big brothers!! I'm so happy for the Lyon fam, thanks for share this part of your life with us! x
p.s. No baby for me yet... I'll keep you posted:)
(04.25.11 12:49 PM)
Zaida said:
Lovely video! May God continue to bless you and your family! Wishing y'all all the best!
(04.25.11 03:46 PM)
Kelli Nicole said:
Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting. How fun to bring another little Lyon into the world :).
(04.27.11 09:54 PM)
nancy said:
Congratulations! You look so great to be so far along! I'm due at the end of September with my second boy. Being a September baby myself, I think it's a great month for babies.
(04.30.11 08:36 PM)
Tiffany Rebecca said:
SO EXCITING!!!! Congrats!!
(05.05.11 11:48 AM)
Nicole said:
That was the sweetest thing ever :O) Thanks for letting us be a part of your journey. I had a tear when your eldest son came over and kissed your belly. Now I'm super excited to have a 3rd... In a couple years!
(05.17.11 11:08 AM)
Melissa Lund Smith said:
Yea... I havent checked in a while, and then saw this... super exciting!!! I still remember you bringing your first little baby to my bridal shower, and you were wearing white pointy toe-ed high pumps... and I thought... man I hope I am as stylish as her after I've had a baby. :) Anyway, three kids later I am sad to report that I am not. Anyway, congrats!!! A girl is going to be so fun!
(05.18.11 09:53 AM)
pauline yang said:
Aww Amelia, i was just thinking about you and so i decided to browse your blog. I'm so happy for you and your beautiful family!
(07.11.11 10:31 AM)