This week we've been vacationing in Flagstaff with some of our closest friends! We came here with the Kaisers, the Sloans, and the Parsons. We all have kids the same age and when you get all them under one roof its a mad house full of fun! One other main reason for coming here was to take all of our kids on the Polar Express ride, it was a fun experience and I would highly recommend it for anyone who has kids! The rest of the trip we spent visiting, laughing, cooking, sledding, more laughing, eating, and of course, photographing!

Glad I could squeeze in this little session with my boys. Two adorable little boys, awesome light reflecting off of the snow, and tall pine trees in backdrop = perfect!
Polar Express, please forgive the clothing, we all had to wear PJ's:

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Lori Anderson said:
Beautiful photos!!! We've been itching to hit the snow ourselves--but a little closer to home. Now after seeing these photos, we have to rent that cabin in Big Bear. Thank you for the inspiration.
(12.18.09 04:00 PM)
Katie Neal Photo said:
I LOVE these images Amelia! I hope I'm half as good a mom as you are when I have kids!
(12.18.09 04:27 PM)
Lisa said:
Your little boys are seriously adorable!
(12.18.09 04:31 PM)
Kayleen T. said:
Such cute little boys you have! The last one is such a great picture. i love snow pictures!
(12.18.09 05:29 PM)
yan palmer said:
your boys are such charmers. and all yous all are like the cool photog mafia.
(12.18.09 05:48 PM)
kristina leao said:
seriously you guys are such a good looking family! hud and sloan are little studs!!!
(12.18.09 06:09 PM)
Isabel said:
These are seriously fun!
(12.18.09 07:24 PM)
the parsons said:
we miss you already! LOVE these images, and love you. Can't wait till next time! :)
(12.18.09 08:04 PM)
jenny haas said:
your boys are so cute! I'm jealous you all got to go sledding already! It hasn't snowed in ohio yet..I've been pregnant the past two years so I am so anxious to go!!
great photos ;)
(12.18.09 09:37 PM)
Gedas said:
Beautiful photos :)
(12.19.09 03:25 AM)
Alexandra said:
These are beautiful! I love them, thanks for sharing!!
(12.19.09 10:12 AM)
hkm said:
cuteness overload, especially the close-up of Sloan!
(12.19.09 02:52 PM)
Debbie S said:
We are stuck in the Virginia Snowstorm! 16 inches! I LOVE IT!! Fun pics!
(12.19.09 07:48 PM)
nancy {So Happi Together} said:
Amelia!! You and Justin have the most adorable two little boys!! The picture of them knocked out in their car seats is priceless!!
(12.20.09 12:01 AM)
Feuza said:
This looks like so much fun! the kids are in heaven! love love the last shot and oh how adorable are these kids in the snow!
(12.20.09 12:07 PM)
matt sloan said:
that was so fun! :)
(12.21.09 09:13 AM)
Alexis said:
You two have a truly beautiful family!!!
(12.21.09 05:52 PM)
angie + matt said:
seriously my BESTEST trip ever!!!! Family Friend time that includes xtreme-sledding, an amazing cabin, yummy food, laughter, hot cocoa, and a massage = a perfect trip!
(12.23.09 08:50 AM)
Darlene said:
Such fun pictures!!! You have a beautiful family and your boys are super adorable! Happy Holidays!
(12.24.09 11:46 AM)
kristen said:
how cute! love the last bunch!
(12.24.09 02:57 PM)
courtney bowlden said:
these are great! its so hard shooting in snow, but i love the color in these! i especially love the snow angel one =)
(12.28.09 08:03 PM)
Beka said:
ha! love the pj pics! there's just no better way to go! :)
(12.29.09 09:14 PM)
Elizabeth Bonilla said:
Couple #3
To find someone who is your "Eternal Companion" are words that linger in someone heart! Congrats to you both.
(12.31.09 09:31 AM)
Perri Nielson said:
I liked Matt and Wendy's story
(12.31.09 10:49 AM)
Gary Harman said:
I vote for Wendy & Matt..........
(12.31.09 11:11 AM)
Justin Harman said:
I vote for WENDY AND MATT -------- GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! YOU DESERVE IT.
(12.31.09 11:11 AM)
Catherine Harman said:
I vote for WENDY & MATT - they deserve all their dreams to come true. Love you ~
(12.31.09 11:12 AM)
Lynette Fields said:
#3 !!!!!!! Matt and Wendy!! For as long as I've known Matt and Wendy, I've never thought of anyone more deserving of an amazing opportunity such as this! They are some of the most humble people you'll ever meet. Every year that went by without Matt proposing to Wendy, many of their friends and family were dispairing that they would finally get married and be together. This is the social high of Southern California!
(12.31.09 11:20 AM)
sarah said:
couple #3 is the best
(12.31.09 11:46 AM)
Tonia said:
I vote for couple # 3 Matt and Wendy! Great story, cute couple!
(12.31.09 11:56 AM)
Joshua Johnson said:
Matt and Wendy--I hope things work out great for you guys after everything you've been through. You have my vote!
(12.31.09 12:02 PM)
tammie billey said:
looked like soooo much fun! makes me miss the snow. :(
(12.31.09 02:54 PM)