Many of you (especially those that follow us on twitter) may know that we packed our lives from Orange County California and travelled to St. George Utah. Why, you may ask?! We came here to spend time with my dad and surrounding family members. Last September my dad was diagnosed with ALS and his disease has rapidly progressed, especially over the past month. We have most of July off (weird, I know...right in the middle of wedding season, but we feel like it is a HUGE blessing) and I felt strongly that we needed to be with my dad. So now we're here to enjoy as much time as we can with him and our family while we have the time to do it. This is one reason I LOVE what we do, we can work from anywhere and still have the freedom to go and be where we want to be.

I've also had the sweet opportunity of documenting everything I can during our visit here. Here are some fun photos from our 4th or July festivities.
This shot of Hudson and my dad makes my heart dance with joy!

I'll be posting more photos as we are continue our trip here in the hot-hot-heat of St. George, stay tuned!
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jenberry said:
i'm very proud of you for stepping away from the busy life and spending time with your dad. it's time you'll NEVER regret. and, like you said, you can work from anywhere. thoughts with you. have a wonderful, precious, momentous time. much love.
(07.08.09 10:48 PM)
Rog said:
That's such a sweet belt buckle! It looks even better when Amelia photosizes it in the lightness-ness of time. Love IT! Just so you know...I'm at it again.
(07.08.09 10:57 PM)
Bobby Earle said:
Very few people throw unimportant things to the side when important things come up. Psyched that you guys did that here :) Praying for that happy looking pop of yours!
(07.08.09 11:02 PM)
Tyler said:
You have the CUTEST kids!!!!!
(07.08.09 11:06 PM)
jac said:
i miss you guys :)
(07.08.09 11:14 PM)
Kayleen T. said:
SUPER Cute family pix! Hope your dad gets better!
(07.08.09 11:19 PM)
Gedas said:
(07.09.09 03:48 AM)
john waire said:
the shot of hudson and your dad is oh so sweet. can't help but smile at the last one of you and justin. enjoy the time with family -- it truly is what it's all about.
(07.09.09 04:25 AM)
John Sharpe said:
Love this post. The first photo of your dad and Hudson is adorable. I'm really looking forward to finally meeting you guys in a couple weeks at the workshop!!! Keep up the great work!! Although, St George is uber hot, at least you've got Cafe Rio to console you :) Sweet Pork Burrito served enchillada style...mmmmm!!!!
(07.09.09 06:29 AM)
Jeramy said:
That is so awesome that your friend made you a personalized belt buckle!!! I love it!!! These are great--glad you are enjoying family time--what a great blessing. See you guys next month!!!!!
(07.09.09 07:34 AM)
Cathy (and David) said:
Hope you guys take it easy and truly enjoy your time with your family. It's so awesome that you get the chance to do that. :)
(07.09.09 07:42 AM)
sandie said:
Hey! I'm one of those moms too! But then my RW+B carries on into the rest of the summer! You area ll too cute. It's beautiful to see you are spending time with your dad. You have such an amazing family. And your boys are gitting so big! Sloan is so grown up! WOW! Miss you :)
(07.09.09 08:25 AM)
jessie said:
OK I think I know where Hudson got his smile, he looks a lot like your dad . . . We are so glad you have taken the time to be with him . . . Ya, I'm a red, white and blue on the fourth mom too! All of you look so happy! Great PHOTOS As USUAL!!
(07.09.09 08:36 AM)
Kathleen Hennessey said:
uh-meeee-lia. . . I was at JFK yesterday waiting for my flight to Seattle, and I kept double taking at the girl next to me! She looked so much like you, with so much style, I had the urge to reach over and hug her. It was tough, but I resisted. . . . These photos feel like a big hug, and so I am now fulfilled. xo
(07.09.09 09:58 AM)
Feuza said:
Family is so important, that first shot touches my heart. God Bless
(07.09.09 11:40 AM)
Nicole said:
Too, too adorable! Your photos are amazing, and I love that you can take family times and make them as GLAM as a wedding/engagement.
(07.09.09 11:43 AM)
debra parker said:
looks like you have been up to fun! Love all the fireworks!
(07.09.09 01:57 PM)
Elsie Lopez said:
I LOVE posts like these! Enjoy your time in St. George!
(07.09.09 05:02 PM)
ruth said:
Send my love to your dad. I will be thinking of you guys!
(07.09.09 05:21 PM)
Ashley said:
These are such sweet pictures of your family! I'm so glad that you guys have been able to spend this time with your dad. Can't wait to see more pix!
(07.09.09 07:33 PM)
Heather said:
My dad has MS, although very different from ALS, it's also very debilitating as it progresses. My dad rocks my world and spending every moment I can with him while he is here is important to me (whether he's sick or not!) Luckily, my father is still doing quite well after 10 years of a diagnosis. Enjoy the family time, you'll never forget it, he cherishes the time with you and your kids get some unforgettable memories of spending the summer in such an awesome place!
(07.09.09 09:05 PM)
katy said:
Hi Amelia,
Myname is katy, and I'm a huge fan! I hate the the Lyon shop is full! Oh well, maybe next year. I loved this post about your family, ALS is a disease that I am all too familiar with, my dad was diagnosed in 1997 and lived only 2 years. We miss him every day! My thoughts are with you and your sweet family....
(07.10.09 07:38 AM)
Gabby said:
I been following your blog for so time now and i am sorry to hear about your dad... Big hugs go out to him and the rest of your family.
As always AWESOME photos...i love your style
(07.10.09 07:47 AM)
Beth Armsheimer said:
aww looks like you all are having a super fun Summer!!
(07.11.09 09:08 AM)
capitan said:
happy birthday*
you guys rock and your pics are awesome!!!
(07.12.09 03:58 AM)
Terra Dawn said:
I think the most wonderful thing about being a photographer, is that we get to capture the moments in our lives EXACTLY as we remember processing and all. These are absolutely stunning, and I know you will treasure them and your kids will treasure them.
I wish your dad all the luck!!
(07.13.09 05:37 PM)
Camille Gould said:
I love that you're taking this time to spend wth your dad right now! My father-in-law has ALS, he's survived a LOT longer than others have with this condition, but my husband and I have made a point to visit his parents every Thursday for the past 6 1/2 years. You can't have any regrets by spending quality time together right?! I love the picture of your son and dad together, it's perfect!
(07.17.09 01:06 PM)
Hud Taylor said:
Hi mine is Hud, I was wondering where Rog got that belt..I have been trying to find a place to get one made made.. I was named after the movie "Hud"with Paul Newman..
Thank you so much..
(10.27.14 12:12 PM)