I've been looking forward to Jay + Marissa's wedding for quite some time...especially since it was the first wedding Justin and I shot in 2012, starting our wedding season off with a fantastic day! Luckily for me, I've been able to take a few months off to spend time with my kids, but I'm super excited to be back in the game again!
It's only appropriate that Jay had Yo Gabba Gabba! Vans on for his wedding, the Director of Photography for YGG had to represent!:) Plus, Jay + Marissa met on the set of Yo Gabba Gabba, so it made perfect sense to add in this small detail!
My favorite item of the day: Since Jay + Marissa aren't huge fans of dessert they opted to have a cheese wheel "cake" instead, I thought it was brilliant!
A snapshot of us! I'm super lucky and blessed to have my favorite person and best friend shooting with me! I love you Justin Lyon;)
When Justin and I arrived at the Santa Margarita Ranch we were squealing (well, I was at least, Justin was just happy) with excitement to 1. work with Jay + Marissa on their wedding day and 2. photograph this lovely bride and groom at such an AWESOME venue! We loved it!!

Congratulations to the gorgeous couple! Don't forget to check out Jay + Marissa's slideshow!
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sarah danaher said:
I LOVE how happy and energetic Jay+Merissa are!!
(06.13.12 05:46 AM)
Sara Lucero said:
This is my favorite wedding from you! Beautiful photos and processing, sweetness, joy, fun, good style & taste! What more could you want? I love this! Great job Lyons! Yous da bombs.
(06.13.12 09:00 AM)
Katie Metka said:
love! What an awesome venue and terrific photos Amelia!!
(06.13.12 09:03 AM)
Miss Michele said:
WOW WOW WOW! Team Lyon does is again ;)
(06.13.12 12:17 PM)
Kate Whitmore said:
When I read other blogs with this many images, I think "TOOOO MAAANY!" When I read yours, I get to the end, and I'm sad it's over. You and Justin are ridiculous. I mean...just awesome. I appreciate you two pouring into me (and 20-ish other people) last year at the Lyon Shop. I also need to tell you how much I appreciate the way you love your kids. Really, really. I wish I lived nearby so that I could soak it up (and totally adopt you as my mom-mentor) once I have little kiddos. I suppose instagram will have to do. :) Anyways...totally random post but felt like I needed to share this with you today. Hope you're having a happy SoCal Friday! Again - these images rock my face off.
(06.15.12 11:46 AM)
Ruth said:
Stunning pics and what a venue!!!
(06.15.12 01:51 PM)
piyush gupta said:
beautiful work.....fresh and delightful.
(06.20.12 02:42 AM)
Mariah said:
I Love everything about this weddings, but especially the portraits of the bride and groom. You really captured the fun of the day. Brilliant photos!
(06.21.12 04:21 AM)
Minneapolis Wedding Photographers said:
Love the sign on the first photo! Thanks for sharing these great photos. Gotten some ideas from your collection ;)
(09.16.12 03:05 AM)