Introducing the Peterson family! Tonya Peterson (of Tonya Peterson Photography) actually contacted me a few months ago about shooting their family portraits while they vacationed in Southern California. She suggested taking their photos at the happiest place on earth DISNEYLAND! Well of course I accepted with a smile, any excuse to go to Disneyland is a good one for me!

I'm not going to lie, it was super crazy packed that day and I was a little nervous that it would be hard finding creative backdrops without millions of people in my frame. Luckily, we were able to find a few private and colorful walls to shoot against.
My favorite shot of the day!
This was such a fun afternoon, Disneyland is the BEST! So is the Peterson family!
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Mark Brooke said:
DO IT!!! Amelia! you freaking rocked it Hard on this one! :)
(05.02.08 08:38 PM)
Ashley said:
I never would have thought that these were taken at busiest place on earth! Nicely done.
(05.02.08 11:07 PM)
Whitney said:
Rad pictures. Love the castle one. You can shoot at D-Land because they keep it so clean. Crap, I need to renew my pass.
(05.02.08 11:22 PM)
Natalie Norton said:
OK! So JUST TODAY I contacted the Kaisers about doing a session of my family at DisneyLand. . . JUST TODAY. Then I saw this. Why am I not using the lovely YOU you may ask. . . good question. Because I'm pretty sure that it's the same week that you're going to be in Utah for a wedding (the one you mentioned to Heather). I'm just blown away. . . I've NEVER seen a fam shoot at DLand. . . I thought I was so clever!!
(05.02.08 11:23 PM)
bobbi+ said:
These are SO fun!
(05.03.08 06:02 AM)
ksen said:
that little girl is SO precious! my fav shot is also your fav shot... as well as the one immediately after that one! awesome use of cool natural backdrops. :D
(05.03.08 06:12 AM)
Michelle Moore said:
Look at the eyes on that little girl! Loving the blue wall, you found some great spots at the Magic Kingdom. Great job!
(05.03.08 09:28 AM)
TonyaPeterson said:
Amelia we love them! We are so excited to hang them up in out house! Thanks for being so super awesome
(05.03.08 10:45 AM)
angie + matt said:
They all have perfect eyes! What a perfect place for family pics, I LOVE the black and white kissy one!
(05.04.08 01:53 PM)
Dan said:
Excellent web site I will be visiting oftent
(05.19.08 02:54 AM)
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When we first met with Jeannette and Glen they mentioned that Glen was going to fly Jeannette to Chicago for her birthday, immediately we thought "wouldn't it be fun to shoot their engagement session there, too bad we'd have to take a flight out there to do it!" The funny thing is that Jeannette and Glen were thinking the same thing! Only they were completely serious about flying us out to this amazing city to spend an afternoon shooting them! Of course we agreed and pretty soon we found ourselves in the middle of Chicago with our new clients!
And lastly, my favorite shot of the day! Love the shadows over their heads!
We loved going to Chicago and even more loved capturing Jeannette and Glen in the big city! A big thanks to them for flying us out there!
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Natalie Norton said:
Shazam. SO COOL!
(05.01.08 04:48 PM)
Jeannette & Glen said:
What a great surprise to log on and find our session up! We always admired your creative eye for capturing moments in a diversity of landscapes and lighting. These pictures are an incredible example of just that, more so because you never experienced the city before. But we knew with your passion for photography and creativity that you would capture our experience above and beyond what we imagined. We had a great time exploring the city with you, Justin, and Sloan (he is soooo cute!). We can’t wait to see the rest and we’re so excited to see your talent show through our wedding photos too.
(05.01.08 06:28 PM)
Melissa McClure said:
Yay Chicago! I love it there...will always have a soft spot in my heart for IL. Luckily I have 2 weddings there in the next 2 months! These shots are amazing. My fav is the one of them laying down :)
(05.01.08 07:01 PM)
ashley parsons said:
HOORAY!! the blog is back - booyakasha. I missed your beautiful photo-interpretations of life, and this session is no excption - so inventive and every image you posted makes me smile. welcome back to the blogosphere.
(05.01.08 07:05 PM)
kristine&ron said:
Amelia! These are SO great!! Your work never ceases to amaze me! (blog stalker, i know, hehe). I'm so excited to see how beautifully you captured Jeannette (aka the best/nursing/college/mentor ever!) & Glen! Cant wait to see what special moments you capture from their wedding!!
(05.01.08 07:21 PM)
Ashley said:
Amelia, these are amazing! Going to Chicago was well worth your trip. I love the shot of the staircases with Jeannette and Glen at the bottom. You inspire me.
(05.01.08 08:59 PM)
sandie said:
jealous.. i am.. yes so much!!! these are AMAZING PICTURES! you guys rock! I love them ALL!
(05.01.08 09:58 PM)
Roger Ellsworth said:
You guys are RADICAL! You don't know me and I check your blog everyday. My wife grew up in Corona. We know alot of the same individuals. I found your blog from Garen Russel the LOVE MUSCLE. He's one of my dearest friends and fondest memories. Anyhow, I just wanted to drop a line in and tell you that I'm new at taking pictures and you two inspire and frustrate me. Inspire, obviously because you take the best shots this side of the known galaxy, and Frustrate me because i look at your shots and think " MASTER OF LIGHT, SHOW ME THE WAY!". One image comes to mind from a shoot in downtown L.A. and the couple is running across the street with you behind them. The sun is in front of them and somehow you luminated their whole backside and managed to take a picture in downtown with no cars or people in the background, with stellar light. You amaze me and hopefully we never meet because i would completly freak out. A fan and blogfriend till my last breath. Roger E.
(05.02.08 07:33 AM)
Scott said:
What an awesome couple to do that!
(05.02.08 08:33 AM)
Elise Wallace said:
Chicago looks like a lot of fun. We have been thinking about going there for a while.
(05.02.08 09:42 AM)
michelleellis said:
these are so gorgeous! You never cease to amaze me with your images...(:
(05.02.08 11:45 AM)
carrie@urbanbaby said:
wow, these are PHENOMENAL guys. what a great trip for you!
(05.02.08 12:56 PM)
Tiffany said:
(05.02.08 02:28 PM)
Sarah said:
I love the revolving door picture! so beautiful...
(05.02.08 04:43 PM)
Heather Saunders said:
I have no words really....i've shot alot of e sessions in Chicago, always wanting them to look just like this! What beautiful light, what a beautiful couple, gosh could she be any more gorgeous! The postproduction is pure perfection. You rocked it again!
(05.02.08 08:37 PM)
denise said:
Oh wow!! how stinkin awesome!! love this shoot!
(05.02.08 11:38 PM)
Michelle Moore said:
What an awesome idea to shoot in Chicago! The images rock! My favorite is the third to last image; the black and white of them laughing. Beautiful moment!! xo -M
(05.03.08 09:26 AM)
mernie caro empalmado said:
Amelia - each photo tells its own story. you are an amazing photographer and stellar artist. thanks for taking such BEAUTIFUL photos of my cousins. they look like models on a billboard ad! you were able to capture not only timeless moments, but their wonderful spirits and sparkling personalities in each shot. bravo!
(05.07.08 09:55 PM)
Krista Photography said:
I love these photos!!
(05.13.08 08:55 PM)
adamgilcrist said:
These pictures were very romantic and lovable.these pictures also can be used to express love . --------------------- adamgilchrist Leading Chicago Children's photographer showcasing innovative child photography, baby photographs, and family photography portraits. Chicago Photographer
(05.28.08 10:59 PM)
amelialyon said:
Okay, so you guys are RADICAL to the MAX! Thanks for following our work and even more thanks for boosting our self-esteem with your awesome comments! We check out your work too and have always wanted to comment, but have not been able to (I think your blog isn't open to public commenter). Anyway, we should do dinner with our families, it would be fun! Are you guys up for it!?
(06.04.08 09:48 PM)
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