The look of this engagement session with Patrick + Eunice is so clean and fresh, I'm in love with the colors, the light, and the style of it...very romantically happy!

My favorite shot of the day!

Fotografia ślubna Warszawa said:
You're doing a great shot. There are a lot of affection and joy. I want to watch more.
(11.07.14 03:02 AM)
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Patrick + Eunice Engaged!
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If I'm going to shoot at a beach I always choose one that has a pier!:) Love this engagement session with Amber + Gabe in Newport Beach! I didn't mind that the marine-layer rolled in, I thought it added to the look and vibe of their images!

My favorite shot of the day!

Jay Kapor said:
wow! nice couple and I must say you're awesome. Fantastic by you. you're really great photographer.
(06.29.14 01:08 AM)
Fotos de casamento said:
Wedding photography is the photography of activities relating to weddings. It encompasses photographs of the couple before marriage. A picture is worth a thousand words but I think wedding photos are more than that, it consists of love, promise, memory, passion, and joy.
(07.05.14 12:58 AM)
Atlanta Wedding Photographers said:
Omg I'm DROOLING!!! Aaaah so gorgeous. :) Love the big architectural shots.
(07.09.14 12:16 PM)
Tre Cavil said:
Cute photo shoot. I really like the collage of photos. Nice touch!
(07.30.14 09:35 PM)
Mike Davis said:
I got to agree I really do like the addition of the pier in the beach sessions. Great shots, thanks for sharing.
(08.04.14 01:59 PM)
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Amber + Gabe Engaged!
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