When searching for a location to photograph Patricia + Art for their engagement session, Justin reminded me of the awesome colors we had seen a few weeks prior in Downtown Silver Lake. We decided to go there and we seriously had so much color to work with...I loved it!!! It was also helpful that Patricia + Art were great subjects to have in front of our camera, super photogenic and ultra fun to work with!

I know that this counts as two photos, but together they make for my favorite "diptych" of the day!
On the side of the road against this amazing teal building we saw this old school yellow bug bus...we had to take advantage of the situation.
Where's Waldo????
I literally saw this writing on a metal bar right next to where we were shooting, thought it would help tell the story a little better:)
Sun-glare and twiggy trees equals I'm in love!
Lastly, a shot of the city over Echo Park.
If you like how beautiful Patricia looks, you should check out the master mind behind her look by visiting Nicole DeAnne's blog!Wedding to follow in November!
Emily Ruth said:
My favorite part of this shoot is the random little kid standing in the window of the teal building! Re-dick-u-lous!! But seriously, I love the way you pull out the beauty in your surroundings.
(03.25.09 10:06 PM)
connieMchung said:
awwww. i love this post. they look so natural and completely at ease. gotta love la.
(03.25.09 10:09 PM)
Abra said:
These are great. Have I mentioned lately how much I love your work?
(03.25.09 10:12 PM)
cristen chester said:
these are great and i love that yellow + orange wall! oh, and anytime an old VW bus can be worked into a shoot it is mandatory as described in the rules of being a rad photographer handbook!!!
(03.25.09 10:31 PM)
angie + matt said:
I am laughing so hard at the Wheres Waldo one!?!? That is hilarious! These are incredible Amelia! She is beautiful!
(03.26.09 12:10 AM)
Rich said:
Wow. Your shots through the bus window are super inspiring! I really dig when you juxtapose a portrait image with another cool element, like the branches shot...your posts are always so stylish and well thought-out, not just a list of cool images. nice :)
(03.26.09 03:35 AM)
alison conklin said:
these are beautiful. i love all of them but the series with the van are amazing and brilliant.
(03.26.09 04:49 AM)
johnwaire said:
i got a chuckle out of the where's waldo shot. how perfect was that? great session amelia.
(03.26.09 05:27 AM)
Emily Beaty said:
What an awesome session! Love all the colors, especially the teal building. My fave is the 'where's waldo?' shot. Love the kid peeking out the window.
(03.26.09 06:16 AM)
s said:
long-time follower, first-time commenter here :) i just adore the way you allow these couples the freedom to star in their own "movie"--often your shots remind me of film stills or ad promo shots...which are wonderful, because each couple deserves that break from their life and a little spotlight to celebrate their love.
(03.26.09 06:19 AM)
Mary Marantz said:
these are fantastic! I especially love the first one with the yellow van!!
(03.26.09 06:27 AM)
Matt Dorroh said:
Awesome, outstanding images!
(03.26.09 06:27 AM)
Kayla said:
These are incredible! I love them! Great colors and the Where's Waldo one is so awesome!
(03.26.09 07:19 AM)
Melanie Watson said:
Love the whole van series. Actually I love them all. The colors are fabulous and the couple is adorable! Great session! :)
(03.26.09 07:31 AM)
Tiona Fuller said:
Fantastic session images! Love the yellow bug bus series - the creativity in the first bus image is OUTSTANDING!
(03.26.09 07:34 AM)
Brianna Phelan said:
This session is awesome! Great photos :)
(03.26.09 08:31 AM)
Michele B said:
Super creative you guys! I get all excited whenever I see a new post in my google reader and head straight over to check it out.
(03.26.09 09:41 AM)
Lyndzee of EP said:
Dah Dah Dah Dah Daaaaah,,, I'm LOV-IN it!! Im totally diggin the short bus pictures and the Where's Julio shot?? AWESOME!! You never cease to amaze me. Love you's!! We need to hang soon.
(03.26.09 11:07 AM)
Ashley Rose said: as always! I love love love how you literally make your surroundings sooo beautiful! =) its delightful!
(03.26.09 11:08 AM)
Meg said:
Yey my hood!!! Beautiful work Amelia!
(03.26.09 12:18 PM)
g3tfr33 said:
aaah, your eye for reflections and colors never ceases to amaze me. Keep up the beautiful & creative work!
(03.26.09 01:25 PM)
ben + laura said:
love this session ... great job!
(03.26.09 02:58 PM)
jean smith said:
so, so, so fabulous. you are truly a photographic genius!
(03.26.09 05:31 PM)
amelialyon said:
Seriously!? I love the feel of the E-session guys... Awesome job! I REALLY appreciate all the shout outs too! YOu two are SO rad.. all the time! THANKS!
(03.27.09 09:05 AM)
Julie said:
beautiful! makes me wish we had taken engagement photos.
(03.27.09 10:59 AM)
Tyler said:
You are the COOLEST Thing I've ever seen LOL! You have to do my SR. pictures! But you'd have to fly to little rock! LOL!
(03.27.09 12:27 PM)
amelialyon said:
I'm totally writing this on your computer, in your office, at your house. Is this a first? Neither of you are in site, only voices from the bedroom saying "Roger...we'll be out in a minute.". Don't worry, I'll wait for you, actually I think your driving, so that's good. That's means I won't leave without you. As for this post, it makes me want a VW bus again. Doesn't everyone at one time want a VW bus? Awesome and amazing are you two.
(03.28.09 10:41 AM)
Courtney Ortiz said:
I really enjoyed that! Thank you!
(03.28.09 03:32 PM)
Yuka photo art said:
Beautiful photographs!!!!!!!!!!!
(03.29.09 08:10 PM)
Rebecca Hansen said:
I adore the colors in the bus shots. BEAUTIFUL. eyegasmic even.
(03.31.09 08:41 AM)
Seth said:
Oh snap! Great minds think alike:
Good stuff guys! :)
(03.31.09 12:17 PM)
Sarah @ said:
I don't think I could love this engagement session any more than I do. This is definitely one of my favorites on your website!
(04.02.09 11:46 AM)
Austin said:
5th one down...might be my favorite shot of all your engagement posts!
(03.15.10 02:09 PM)
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When Justin and I were first married we lived in Pasadena. One of our favorite things about Pasadena was all of the amazing architecture. We had an engagement session scheduled with the lovely Irma and the uber talented Patrick this las Saturday in Pasadena and we remembered this one specific location we always thought would be super cool to use for a photo-shoot, so we decided to go there. I was super happy with the way that all of the images turned out and our AWESOME couple was nothing short of FABULOUS!!!
Just to give a quick background on how we know Patrick and Irma, Justin has become good friends with Patrick through a mutual friend, as he has helped Patrick on a few high-end clothing companies. Patrick is a crazy talented clothing designer, Justin even dropped his name on the Bludomain Interview we did a few weeks ago, when asked what kind of jeans he wears, Justin wrote, "A custom pair of Patrick Winget's" (they really are my husband's favorite jeans to wear!). When Patrick became engaged to the sweet Irma they hit us up to hire us for their wedding photography and I was stoked not only to work with these two rad individuals, but to have the opportunity to shoot a wedding that is sure to be fun and unique in design and attire! P.S. EVery outfit that Irma is wearing in this engagement session her mother hand made, so together Irma and Patrick have a double fashion background!
I realize that there are no people in this photo, but I thought is was such a cool shot of the architecture we were working with.
My favorite shot of the day...kudos to Justin!
carrie@urbanbaby said:
awesome, love it. the shot above "love life" makes me super happy. next time you're in my neck of the woods, we should get together! -c
(03.17.09 04:10 PM)
Aaron Snow said:
Oklahoma represent! I love the photo that you gave kudos to Justin for. It is amazing! Great session!
(03.17.09 04:27 PM)
Jen@Green Wedding Shoes said:
Ok..that bridge pic - your fav - also my fav. It is so amazing! I can see it as a huge print on their wall! Love her yellow shoes also. Great stuff!!
(03.17.09 05:00 PM)
Ashley said:
I can't believe how fast you got this up! I LOVE your second fav shot of the day. There's just something about the mood in it. Nothing short of fabulous Amelia!
(03.17.09 05:36 PM)
Macy said:
They're all fabulous - great colors. I did gasp audibly on the bridge shot though. Kudos to you both.
(03.17.09 05:39 PM)
Kimberly said:
I know this is off topic but I am in love with her shoes! I love how they pop in the pictures. My fav is them together in the grass. So vibrant!
(03.17.09 07:16 PM)
David Blakeman said:
I can't get over how fantastic that bridge is. What the heck!? I just keep staring at it.
(03.17.09 07:19 PM)
Danielle Fletcher said:
no WAY! She has the shoes I wanted! I weirdly could never find them, don't even know who they are! Do tell!
(03.17.09 08:34 PM)
Simply Modern Weddings said:
oh wow...I totally agree with you on your favorite shot Amelia. Hands's FABULOUS! The architecture makes for a creative backdrop!
(03.17.09 08:57 PM)
connieMchung said:
wow. i am sooooo in love with your fave shot of the day. that shot is so frigging awesome. :)
(03.17.09 09:20 PM)
Ryan Morck said:
Amazing! I definitely dig the shoes too. Your pictures always inspire me.
(03.18.09 12:19 AM)
ben @ STUDIO 623 said:
your favorite shot of the day just became my favorite shot of today. SWEET! diggin on the shoes too.
(03.18.09 07:11 AM)
Daniel said:
Amazing as always.... Kudos to Justin is right. That shot blows my mind.
(03.18.09 10:45 AM)
Pardeep Singh said:
Your favorite is totally my favorite, too! That's just amazing!
(03.18.09 12:29 PM)
Lyndzee of EP said:
I love life too!! Lovin the off camera lighting and their shoes make me wanna scream out in joy. His stache isn't too bad either. Love everything about these. Rock on you two crazy, awesome people!!
(03.18.09 06:13 PM)
The Last Forty Percent Photography said:
Your favourite shot of the day is definitely mine as well. Truly amazing!
(03.19.09 01:01 PM)
The Last Forty Percent Photography said:
I love this whole shoot....very impressive!!
(03.19.09 05:51 PM)
jodi said:
wow! Your favorite two shots are my favorites as well. That bridge shot is just spectacular.
(03.19.09 06:44 PM)
kate said:
hehe I love his belt buckle! and that shot of them under the bridge is absolutely STUNNING!
(03.19.09 09:09 PM)
Donavan Freberg said:
All of these are great!
But that bridge shot?
How, oh how, did you get them up there and how did you light them so splendidly?
Do tell!
(03.20.09 06:37 PM)
Braedon said:
Love this shoot Amelia. And yes, their shoes are incredible. Hope you guys are well!
(03.25.09 10:36 PM)
swanky couch said:
Well Done!!!! Keep up the creative approach, it is so refreshing, and MUCH needed in this venue of photography. The Bridge shot should truly win an award of some kind. We'd love to work with you guys one day :)
(06.05.13 08:27 PM)
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Patrick + Irma Engaged!
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