So do you remember Rachelle + Patrick?! They were lovely couple #2 in the wedding photography giveaway contest we ran last winter. Each couple that did not win still received a complimentary portrait session from us and their wedding photography still shot for free by other amazing photographer volunteers. It really was great to see the response the giveaway brought, so much love from family, friends, and viewers! So with out further ado, here is Rachelle + Patrick...engaged!

Both Rachelle + Patrick are performers...I thought is was so fun that they thought to bring a microphone & electric guitar as props!

Tracy said:
Wonderful. They make a cute couple.
(09.02.10 03:51 PM)
Mel said:
your favorite shot is *my* favorite shot too! Beautiful work and fun couple!! Can't wait for the day that I get to be in front of your camera...M
(09.02.10 04:09 PM)
lilia said:
What a gorgeous, stylin' couple! It is so awesome to see the amazing, glamorous images you have created, and so nice to see a woman with glorious, real curves portrayed in such a loving manner. You are artists! :-)
(09.02.10 04:21 PM)
Candice Benjamin said:
Super cute couple! Love that hidden location in Fullerton. I live like 1 mile away. :)
(09.02.10 04:23 PM)
Danica said:
What a rockin set of photos!! Seriously, these have spunk. Props to Rachelle and Patrick for your engagement and Amelia and Justin for shooting it for free!
(09.02.10 07:34 PM)
Jesse Tenorio said:
Love the props! Great shots and smiles.
(09.03.10 11:50 AM)
Troy Grover said:
great shots! Her ring is rad :)
(09.04.10 08:57 AM)
mary wyar said:
dying over that b&w close up. amazing... and the best light!
(09.05.10 11:36 AM)
Robbie said:
So many awesome images but #10 is truly wow! Love it! You really captured what appears to be their personality in these.
(09.05.10 02:53 PM)
Katie said:
REALLY!?! Seriously!?! So freaking RAD! Impossible to pick a favorite!!!
(09.06.10 08:29 PM)
Stephanie P. said:
So sassy!!! I love the shot of her ring where she is holding the mic. great composition. great eye candy!
(09.06.10 11:29 PM)
Julie said:
Love your work! So beautiful. Love the light and connections
(09.07.10 07:18 PM)
Rachelle said:
Amelia you rock!! we can't thank you enough for such a awesome blessing!!
(09.12.10 10:34 PM)
Bruce Larsen said:
Wow! Unbelievable! Very nice. I am very impressed with how beautiful these photos came out. I will start referring my clients to Amelia.
Oh...and nice diamond engagement ring too ;)
You guys rock! No pun intended.
(09.17.10 02:29 PM)
Miah Klein said:
Punk's not dead. These guys are hip!
(09.22.10 09:52 AM)
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I'm SO excited for my little brother Jordan to marry the girl of his dreams...Cassie! Some of our long time blog followers may recognize Cassie's sweet face from mine & Justin's old photo blog when she hired me nearly four years ago to shoot her senior portraits.The next thing I knew I had a little brother named Jordan asking me who "that hot girl on my blog" was! I told him how cute I thought she was, then randomly a few months later they ended up meeting at a mutual friend's bonfire at the beach! They dated and Cassie even wrote letters to Jordan while he served a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Jordan came home last December, swept Cassie off her feet and now they're getting married!

People say that Jordan and I look the most alike out of all our siblings...what do you think?!
bobbi said:
Yes yes yes... LOVE all of these! The one on the tandem is perfection. Oh, and... I think she looks more like you than he does ;) LOTS OF LOVE FRIENDS!!!!
(08.26.10 03:22 PM)
Kayleen T. said:
I love love the picture below your favorite! It is the cutest picture ever! I love your processing on these as well!
(08.26.10 03:28 PM)
KH said:
These are great! I agree that she looks more like you than your brother, how cute :)
(08.26.10 04:23 PM)
Cassie & Jordan said:
Amelia these are awesome! Jordan says you are the "shiznit".... haha I love him. I love how you captured our fun, playful, loving relationship. I can't wait to marry him next week. Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures. xoxo
Cassie and Jordan
(08.26.10 04:26 PM)
nellychung said:
I love the natural beauty this couple has!!! You've captured their personality!
(08.26.10 05:56 PM)
Sarah.Elizabeth said:
That is TOO cute. What a cute history of these two! I love the last one! And she is a cute girl! :]
(08.26.10 08:41 PM)
Carl Reid said:
I love the favourite pics is the third from the end image. I also took my little brother's engagement photos. Did you find it tricky...I was nervous at first but I'm not sure why?
Please continue to inspire us photogs!!
Carl from T.O.
(08.26.10 09:32 PM)
Stacey said:
What an awesome story!!! Love the bike shots and the whole fun vibe :-)
(08.27.10 07:29 AM)
Tonya Peterson said:
So super adorable! I wish I had younger siblings to take engagement/wedding pictures of. I was the last one of us married. Great job!
(08.27.10 07:54 AM)
jean smith said:
loooooooooooooooove this session. your little bro and cassie are absolutely ADORABLE.
(08.27.10 10:28 AM)
Mel said:
Jordan looks like your Dad~ Cassie's senior photos were the firsst of your work I saw ;) Hard to believe I'm been following you that long!
(08.27.10 11:28 AM)
delbarr said:
LOVE these...they couldn't be cuter! I love all the outfits and the amazing sun! You never cease to inspire Amelia :)
(08.27.10 05:34 PM)
Amy said:
What's really funny is that at the end of Cassie's senior pictures post you put, "make sure you looks us up in the next few years when you get engaged!!!" :D
(08.28.10 10:34 AM)
MOM said:
you are so awesome to take these darling pictures! I am so Excited for then to get married next week! I can hardly wait to have another darling daughter in law - and you Amelia are so wonderfully talented ad I adore you, my precious daughter!
(08.29.10 09:05 PM)
denise bovee said:
love this sesh!! So gooodd! I see sooo much of your dad in your brother! crazy!
(08.30.10 05:13 PM)
ricci said:
ditto bobbi... I think she totally looks like you :) such a cute couple!!
(08.31.10 09:16 PM)
Amber said:
I think that Jordan looks so much like your dad that it is crazy! Very cute pictures and very cute couple! Cant wait for friday!!
(09.01.10 05:39 PM)
Danica said:
What a cute and beautiful story!! Love the second picture of them on the bike :) So cute and classic.
(09.02.10 07:42 PM)
Elise Wallace said:
I can see my house in the background of one of these pics. I thought the location looked familiar.
(09.07.10 02:52 PM)
Erin said:
How fun to work with your bro and future sis-in-law! I love that shot through the bike spokes, so great!
(09.08.10 10:03 AM)
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Jordan + Cassie Engaged!
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