Next up with my Best of 2010 series: all of my favorite Engagement photos!
More to come over the next few day with my favorites & Best of 2010 series: Rings! & Married!
stacey said:
beautiful again.
(01.19.11 04:39 PM)
maggie fortson said:
Full of passion and love! BEAUTIFUL!
(01.19.11 09:36 PM)
john heil said:
so many great shots! Great year of photos, Amelia!
(01.20.11 08:50 AM)
Paco and Betty said:
I love you so much! :)
(01.20.11 12:44 PM)
Mr. Haack said:
Keep them coming Amelia! I love looking at these, you are Awesome!
(01.20.11 01:03 PM)
Jenelle Sewell said:
Bike wheel shot equals fabulous!
(01.21.11 07:58 AM)
SR said:
Yay! Love!
(01.22.11 06:55 PM)
Vegas Wedding Photographer - FogartyFOTO said:
Your commitment to interesting composition and selective focus is bracing. I love your work. It is confident.
(01.22.11 09:26 PM)
barbara dieppa said:
great recap! and beautiful as usual!!
(01.24.11 03:23 AM)
Chaba Vigh said:
Amelia, I love your style, and this collection of 2010 images is great besides being a great idea!
(01.24.11 11:12 AM)
Stacey Hedman said:
LOVE that bike shot, ohmigod! Such a beautiful couple and mix of different scenes.
(01.24.11 04:27 PM)
Mollie said:
Those are wonderful. Love how you capture details!
(01.25.11 08:41 AM)
Kate Whitmore said:
I need the Lyon Shop in my life. Every time I look at your blog (which is daily), I just can't handle the goodness!
(01.27.11 02:58 PM)
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Best of 2010....Engaged!
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It was so fun working with Borami & Anthony! I absolutely adored Bormai's 1940's style, complete with hat & veil, and Anthony's classic black suit with thin black tie was superb! So glad they were able to make the trip all the way from New York for this!

My three favorite shots of the day! I like how the clouds looked like a wave encircling Bormai & Anthony!

Wedding to come in July of 2011!
Marielle Hayes said:
These are amazing! Fabulous job-these are my favorite engagements you have ever done!
(12.28.10 11:29 PM)
NaomiL said:
Amelia you did an awesome job, yet again! They look absolutely beautiful!
(12.29.10 08:36 AM)
caitlin said:
kewl beenz. i like the noise in the out of focus one - looks like film. wait, is it film?
(12.29.10 09:02 AM)
SR said:
Amazing, as always!
(12.29.10 12:57 PM)
Jay Studio Photography said:
what a GREAT set of photos! love them!! beautiful vintage style :)
(01.04.11 02:17 PM)
jkar said:
I am really amazed on the composition of your photos. Its like having a 3rd and 4th dimension on it.
(04.17.11 11:08 PM)
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Borami & Anthony Engaged!
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