Lately my boys have been playing pretend and dressing up! It's really fun to watch their imaginations run wild involving mostly super heros, dinosaurs, pirates, & cowboys! It usually starts in the morning with the super hero capes. Yesterday after I dropped Hudson off at school Sloan begged me to put on his super hero costume. Little did I know that he would want to wear it ALL day long! It was adorable! I let him embrace his inner Super Sloan!
I have this random hallway in my house, perfect for a quick "photo shoot" of my kids...I use it quite often, it has the most perfect bounced light coming in from the french doors over to the hallway closet. Where is your favorite place for a quick shoot in your house?

PS. Thanks to my talented sister in law Jill for the super hero never gets old! Remember when I shot Hudson in it?!
Jessica said:
Nice. My 5-year-old is constantly playing dress up. I love their creative little minds!
(06.02.11 12:14 PM)
Rachel Tatem said:
That's great. Your sister-in-law is talented!
(06.02.11 12:48 PM)
Aurelie Felli said:
Hi! I often look your amazing pictures and this time leave a comments. I have also children, and they often play super hero. My favorite place in my house for a quick photo shoot is in my kitchen because there is the biggest window from the house or in the garden. I love your pictures and you seem to be a nice family! I leave in Switzerland and I'm also a photographer. Thank's for all this beautiful image abd have a nice week-end :-), bye, Aurelie
(06.02.11 01:27 PM)
Kara Rush said:
That is such a cute costume!! The house I live in now has some great spots for pictures...a window where the earliest morning light hits our bedroom wall, and on the staircase where the sunset shines through a glass front door.
(06.02.11 01:38 PM)
Nic said:
Love it, as I looked at the first couple I thought love the floors and the light in that space, then you said it :)..Thanks for sharing and I think it's great when people let their kids just "be"..Cheers...
(06.02.11 03:05 PM)
Jill said:
Well I feel a lot safer knowing Siper Sloan is on the job. Love it.
(06.02.11 04:51 PM)
Lindsay said:
That costume is awesome- almost as awesome as your child! I made capes for my boys this past christmas as gifts- but they weren't as good as that cape! Mind sharing where it came from?
(06.02.11 05:06 PM)
Laurent Hrybyk said:
Thanks for the smile! These reminded me of my two year old and his recent dress up character of SUPER ELEPHANT! haha!
(06.03.11 05:43 AM)
Branden Harvey said:
So cute!
(06.06.11 04:17 PM)
Luke watts said:
Wonderful photographs and cute expression, each looks unique and
perfect timing too.Good work.Happy working
(06.09.11 02:51 AM)
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I don't normally do two personal posts in a row, but with my 30th birthday happening tomorrow I've been reflecting all day on the last decade of my life. I'll be honest, it's got me quite emotional, so many amazing things have happened that I can't even begin to fathom what the next decade of my life will be like!
When I was twenty I met the love of my life, the man of my dreams, & eternal sweetheart!
*Please excuse the crazy pixelation, this was shot the night Justin proposed to me on the walk of stars in Hollywood with our first 2 megapixel point & shoot digital camera! LOL!
In one decade I married my best friend, I birthed two beautiful children (with another on the way), I moved three times, I said goodbye to & buried a parent, I started my own photography business, I found myself, I found my confidence in life, & I became passionate about love. I recognize that everything I've been given and blessed with is all because I have a loving Father in Heaven that has been so generous to me!
Bring on the 30's!!! A few months ago, when I realized I was actually growing up, I got a bit depressed thinking, "where has the time gone? I'm not ready to be 30!". Once I took a moment to sit back and ponder my last decade, I say BRING IT! If the twenties had so much to offer, then HELLO to my 30's!!! I have so much to be happy about, so many blessings to be thankful for, I CAN'T WAIT to see what the next decade of my life will bring my way!
ps. Thank you to the talented Sloan's for this beautiful family pic! It makes my heart SO happy!
Jackie Wonders said:
happy birthday sweet friend!!!! give your 30's a big hug and a sweet embrace :) xoxo
(04.27.11 09:24 PM)
Caroline Lee said:
oh amelia, you are a wonder. firstly, you haven't aged a DAY since the night you got engaged - no lie. just realizing how freaking young you are blew my mind!! i was reviewing my notes from the lyon shop the other day, and the first thing i wrote was, "amelia has THE most infections laugh + personality i have ever encountered!" ... you're an incredible artist, wife, mother, friend, servant ...!! just wanted you to know what an inspiration you are to me, and so many others. HAPPY 30TH! you've only just begun!! many blessings, lovely lady..xx
(04.27.11 09:30 PM)
Anna said:
i LOVE your personal posts! Happy early birthday beautiful Amelia!!!
(04.27.11 09:30 PM)
Kristine Atienza said:
So sweet... You have indeed been blessed. Happy 30th Birthday Amelia!
(04.27.11 09:34 PM)
Kristine Atienza said:
PS. UMM .. And I can just say that you have NOT AGED between those two pictures!!!
(04.27.11 09:36 PM)
rog said:
You forgot to mention that in the last decade, you met me and my family. I should be able to store that story in the "I found myself" archives,...or maybe the "everything I've been given and blessed with is all because I have a loving Father in Heaven that has been so generous to me" part. Either way, I felt it and you meant it...I'm sure. Welcome to the 30's, where the water is warm, the knees are aching and the nose hair is lusterously bountiful. Happy Birthday Amelia. Thank you for not hating me for so long.
(04.27.11 10:12 PM)
Emily Faulknor said:
Thank you for this and Happy Birthday! I turn 30 in September. You are paving the way for me sista! :)
(04.27.11 10:40 PM)
Kacie said:
Amelia, I know you have been worried about turning 30 but my mom told me that the best part of her life was in her 30's. Remember you are as young as you feel and they say 30 is the new 20. :) Happy Birthday!
(04.28.11 12:08 AM)
angel swanson said:
lovely, lovely amelia : you are one of the most beautiful women i know, both inside & out. grateful for you, our friendship, the belly laughs we've shared -- i know your 30's are going to be INCREDIBLE. can't wait to celebrate with you! happy birthday girlie! xoxoxo
(04.28.11 12:43 AM)
kati said:
Love your post! Lovely to hear you know how blessed you are and live in the cherished moments. Happy Birthday pretty lady! You're 30's will rock!
(04.28.11 04:24 AM)
naomi chokr said:
Happy Birthday tomorrow! I turn 30 this year too. But i love your post. I've been going through the whole...... I cant believe im almost 30 blues. You're right so many good things have happened in our 20's and we should be thankful and proud of it. Your family is beautiful!! Enjoy it.
Here's to being 30! If you are ever in Florida! I will buy you a here's to 30 drink :) or two... or 5 :)
(04.28.11 06:24 AM)
shari said:
happy birthday Amelia!!!!!!!!!! and yes, BRING ON THE 30s! It will be a great new decade for you and your family...and congrats on baby on the way!!! When are you due?? Beautiful family, love, love it! :)
(04.28.11 07:22 AM)
jessie said:
Happy, Happy Birthday Amelia dear, happy days will come to you all year! We are SO VERY GLAD you have been part of our family this past decade!
(04.28.11 08:43 AM)
Tess said:
Happy Birthday!! Amazing post and perfect out look on life :) Have an amazing day!
(04.28.11 10:44 AM)
SR said:
Happy Happy Birthday! You and your (growing) family are too adorable!
PS LOVE those tights you are rocking!
(04.28.11 11:31 AM)
Anna said:
that is just about the cutest family picture ever. Congratulations on your birthday!
(04.28.11 12:34 PM)
matt sloan said:
happy birthday! so happy for you. you have a beautiful family and proud to call you besties!
(04.28.11 01:11 PM)
ohana photographers said:
congratulations on the new baby on the way! hope you have a happy happy birthday amelia!!!
(04.28.11 05:41 PM)
Veronica said:
Wow you guys look so good! You haven't aged anything but I've got to admit that without the beard and mustache I didn't recognize Justin. Congrats!
(04.28.11 07:21 PM)
Natalia said:
BEAUTIFUL family photos! Love the red stockings and how they pop out of these pictures!
(04.28.11 09:01 PM)
augusta said:
amazing! You look just the same as when you were 20!! I hope I look that good in ten years. Happy birthday, Amelia! Keep on striving for excellence. P.S. Justin looks totally different now!
(04.30.11 04:02 AM)
artfulife said:
The 30's are great! You have the sweetest family, congratulations on your newest addition. We have 3 girls & one little boy. Girls are so much fun! Thanks for continuing to inspire with all of your amazing photography. You guys are truly blessed.
(04.30.11 09:29 AM)
Gail said:
Congratulations to your family!!!!!! That last photo of you guys is SOOOO beautiful --and I just watched the video -- a girl on the way!! How awesome!!
(05.01.11 06:00 PM)
Black said:
Happy birthday to u of 30`s~
your kids so cute just`s like your potography~
(05.02.11 08:03 AM)
The Memory Journalists said:
Congratulations on such a successful decade! And, welcome to the 30's! Girl, you are going to love them! Even better than the 20s BY FAR! Enjoy and thanks for sharing this lovely personal post.
(05.02.11 06:49 PM)
ADAM Coberly said:
Happy 30th Amelia! So excited to see what amazingness is in store for your 30's! You and your family are a MAJOR blessing! You continue to inspire in a way words can't describe :-) Thanks for all you do!
(05.03.11 10:48 AM)
John Sharpe said:
Enjoyed this post and loved the older photo of Justin! I have to agree with the previous comments, Amelia you have hardly changed at all! I'm turning 30 this year too and cannot help but think of everything that has changed in the past decade. Great post and thanks for sharing!
(05.03.11 04:35 PM)
jean smith said:
What a perfect post. Love you and Justin even more now that I have met you in real life. It's no longer just a blog love :) Happy 30th!!!
(05.03.11 06:51 PM)
Marlene McCune said:
The 30's are SOOOO much better than the 20's. You'll love it.
(05.05.11 07:36 PM)
Becky McArthur said:
Happy Birthday Amelia!!! So happy for you and your beautiful little family. :) What an amazing 10 years you have had.
(05.08.11 08:45 PM)
Justin said:
Awesome amelia! Finding that person is pretty phenomenal! I can speak from experience after a decade!
(05.11.11 08:29 PM)
HAPPY [belated] BIRTHDAY to you, sweet Amelia! WOW....your twenties were pretty exciting- to say the least. Full of LIFE, LOVE, SUCCESS and REALIZATION [that I too have learned] that life is short. I hate that your dad is gone....but as I learned with the passing of my own dad....I have grown and I have a new confidence in many areas of my life.
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED! YOU ARE SUCH A WONDERFUL MOM & WIFE to your sweet-sweet family. Thank you for sharing part of your life with us.....XOXO
(05.12.11 01:11 PM)
Charlene Plagens said:
A little on the late side but Happy Birthday Beautiful!
Hope you and the fam are well and good.
Can't wait to see the newbie!!!!
(05.16.11 06:57 PM)
Abbie said:
What an adorable family portrait!!
(06.30.11 03:40 PM)
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