Lola Dee was born to Kenny + Jill on April 22nd, 2010! What a sweet day that was!

My good friend Sarah made all of these little book covers of famous children's books as cupcake toppers.
I remember a conversation before Jill announced that she was pregnant (I had a hunch that she was), she said that she wanted me to shoot her first birth story. This was a pleasant surprise, I just figured as her sister in-law I wouldn't be in the room when it was time for Jill to give birth. Then a few months later she announced that she was 5 months pregnant!! She hid it pretty well, but I was SO excited and looked forward to the day that I got to spend in the hospital ready to meet Kenny + Jill's first baby!

I do have to give shout out to Kenny for the amazing job he is doing as a dad, I'm a proud sister! Also, an even bigger shout-out to his AMAZING post processing company FOTOFAFA for continually giving my business beautiful proofed images and the freedom to take time for my personal life! If you own a photography business and aren't outsourcing your post processing, I would HIGHLY recommend doing that now and I would definitely recommend using Fotofafa's services!
Before I get started on the birth story, I absolutely have to show off the baby shower that a bunch of us girls threw for Jill. It was a "book worm" theme since Jill is such a scholar herself. We thought it was a perfect theme also since we still had no idea what sex the baby was.
The invitations were a labor of love, it took hours, but WORTH IT!

Andrea said:
Lots of goodies in this post! I love that you did her birth story, those pictures are so sweet! Plus the mini books on the cupcakes are very cool... I am definitely going to steal that idea!!!
(06.17.10 03:15 PM)
Julie said:
HEAVEN. Not only are the details for the baby shower absolutely scrumptious, but the way you captured the birth story is so
(06.17.10 03:16 PM)
Antonina said:
Oh my, Amelia... These are just so wonderful! Great story!
(06.17.10 03:18 PM)
shelby said:
such a gorgeous baby and amazing photos! love this!
(06.17.10 03:20 PM)
Jordana said:
Oh wow... the shots of the two of them, the way he's looking at her... incredibly beautiful!
(06.17.10 03:29 PM)
drae said:
amelia, i love these shots and those mini feets are so dang cute. i am having a baby in a few weeks and these just got me really excited to get some good hospital shots.
(06.17.10 03:49 PM)
Rose Dykstra said:
These are so lovely! My favourites are of the Papa hopelessly in love with his wife and new daughter...really precious...
(06.17.10 04:09 PM)
Melissa@ The Loveliest Day said:
What a beautiful story told in gorgeous photos! Those invitations for the shower were seriously adorable! I love them so much.
(06.17.10 04:40 PM)
James Bouse said:
Amazing, Beautiful...I felt like I was there. Lola, Kenny and Jill I love you so much!!!
(06.17.10 05:13 PM)
Shelley Freckleton said:
OHHHHH!!!! She is SOOOO beautiful!!! I
(06.17.10 05:17 PM)
Aaron Snow said:
MELTED! So awesome!
(06.17.10 05:39 PM)
Walter Carrera said:
Great pics Im Argentinian Photographer. love your blog. It is very inspiring for me.
(06.17.10 06:12 PM)
erin said:
so sweet amelia! congrats to jill and kenny- love all of the emotion you caught during labor.
(06.17.10 06:14 PM)
arenda said:
congratulations on your new little niece! lola is beautiful. :)
i love the birth shots you captured ~ how amazing to be there!
(06.17.10 06:47 PM)
Anna Jordan said:
Amazing! The 4 of the mom and dad made me cry too!
(06.17.10 07:48 PM)
BENJ said:
your fav is mine as well. when I become a dad, I hope I have such an amazing photo. SO much love.
(06.17.10 08:17 PM)
Kelly said:
These are beautiful!! I love how you captured it. So amazing!
(06.17.10 08:25 PM)
mckenzie said:
I am DYING over these...I love, love, love, love them. Totally inspiring!
(06.17.10 08:48 PM)
Shirley said:
i teared up too! lovely photos!!
(06.17.10 10:54 PM)
Rianne said:
Wat a beautiful photo's!! Cute baby ^^
(06.18.10 03:39 AM)
manon said:
these are amazing. I have to say reading that you had tears in your eyes made me have tears in my eyes going tru the pictures
(06.18.10 04:09 AM)
Amber said:
I nearly shed a tear looking at these images too. You really captured the emotion of the moment. Bravo!
(06.18.10 05:22 AM)
Christian Gideon said:
Wow! These images are stunning! I love checking out other photographers for inspiration and these are beautiful images to say the least. Keep up the good work
(06.18.10 05:48 AM)
Anda said:
Gahhhh -- WHAT a cutie! And I'm not just saying that ... I actually don't find babies cute, generally speaking. Beautiful photos, as always, Amelia :)
(06.18.10 07:19 AM)
ann said:
i teared up... i love seeing this couple, they're just so beautiful and full of love and life. i can tell you love your sister in law just as if she was your own sister!
(06.18.10 07:34 AM)
Michele B said:
The shower theme was adorable! And you definitely made me tear up too. You did an amazing job telling their story :)
(06.18.10 08:02 AM)
Stacey Hedman said:
AMAZING series in the hospital! I'm absolutely in love, and tearing up a little myself. What incredible images to have for life.
(06.18.10 10:20 AM)
Dominique Daniela said:
What amazing work, you make it look effortless! Even the mother in labor made it look effortless...I sure didn't look like that! A great memory captured for this family to have forever!
(06.18.10 11:08 AM)
Rog said:
Are you (bleeping) kidding me?! She's adorabad-A! That word is if adorable and Bad-A had kids...anyhow, I make up words because I was home taught and don't know them all.
(06.18.10 02:05 PM)
Katherine said:
These are simply-incredible, touching, and beautiful.
(06.18.10 04:32 PM)
brooke romney said:
I loved this post. I've never seen the whole birth captured like that and it was GREAT! Plus, what a gorgeous little girl
(06.18.10 06:15 PM)
Krista Photography said:
Oh, I love everything about these!!
(06.18.10 07:16 PM)
kristine atienza said:
awwwww amelia... these are absolutely precious!!! congrats with all the new blessings in your family! ;)
(06.18.10 08:53 PM)
Tiffany Rebecca said:
oh my gosh I loooove all of these images. amazing. :)
(06.19.10 01:33 PM)
Tonya Joy said:
posts like this make me crave for baby incredible Amelia! These images are heirlooms...
(06.19.10 07:26 PM)
Julie said:
Wow! This was a wonderful birth/newborn shoot! Very different (in a good way!) from other newborn baby shoots I've seen on the web. The family is beautiful!!
(06.20.10 01:46 PM)
Sarah Frenzel said:
Such sweet and touching photos! I can feel the emotion in those birth story shots! And the shower is super cute!
(06.21.10 12:48 PM)
Nikki @ EpicDanger said:
Dude! Seriously, Jill is a trooper! I've had two kids and I looked no where close to that fantastic during or after I'll tell you that much. I'm astounded! Beautiful.
(06.21.10 10:44 PM)
Megan Guerrero said:
I have to admit, for some reason I am always too shy to post a comment on your page...(haha I'm a nerd, I know) But these photos literally took my breath away. You are so amazing and capture emotion and love so beautifully.
(06.22.10 01:15 PM)
Adrienne McNellis said:
Those were so beautiful. I couldn't help but cry at some of them. I just had my daughter back in November and I just love these photos, they make me relive that moment again.
(06.22.10 10:36 PM)
noelle Houdek said:
I absolutely love the noise in your black and white images! Its so unique! Im a huge fan!
(06.23.10 08:45 AM)
Kimberly Witort said:
Amazing group of photos! Great job!
(06.23.10 05:22 PM)
stephanie motz skinner said:
Wow! This was beautifully captured and your sister-in-law makes giving birth look glamorous!
(06.25.10 04:06 AM)
Supermar said:
Ahhh! You did it to me again! I totally teared up looking at these amazing photos of a new mother and father's first look at their baby.
(07.04.10 11:04 AM)
Cristina said:
These are so entirely beautiful!!! It's also kinda neat to see your brother, Kenny, in such a personal light. I just sent Fotofafa two weddings to process for me and I feel like I can breathe again. Thank you!!!:)
(07.16.10 09:53 AM)
maile said:
I think this is the most precious birth shoot I've ever seen. EVER. EVER. The one of the dad looking at the baby on the scale.. OMG, Swoon.
Gorgeous work. Your heart shows through too.
(08.17.10 05:15 PM)
Shamima Sultana said:
awwweeee!!! how sweet the baby.....nice photography...
(01.02.11 01:51 AM)
Jessica Martin said:
This is captivating and absolutely beautiful :) !!! Pure love.
(08.09.11 02:33 PM)
Mrs Ergul said:
These must be the most charming delivery room photos I have ever laid eyes on.
(09.01.11 07:34 PM)
EdenClare said:
oh my goodness me...
i saw this first on pinterest...
glimpses of mommie and daddy together before...
darling, touching, tender and forever dear...
thank you, thank you for sharing
xoxo EdenClare
(09.03.11 09:34 AM)
Rachel said:
These are some of the most beautiful birth photos I've EVER seen! I'm sitting here dabbing the corner of my absolutely moving. Amazing work! (Found you on pintrest, as well)
(10.15.11 11:15 PM)
Sandra said:
The four photos of Kenny caring for Jill during her labour are four of the most powerful images I have ever seen. They obviously love each very much.
(someone had pinned the photos on Pinterest...that's how I saw them!)
(10.17.11 09:30 AM)
Liz said:
Beautiful! Sent by Pinterest as well.
(10.26.11 05:36 PM)
Laura Adams said:
I found this on Pinterest, and I'm nearly in tears at the beauty of these photos. Thank you so much for capturing this precious moment in time.
(11.02.11 05:35 PM)
Monika said:
Stunning, your working is truly beautiful
(01.10.12 12:11 AM)
Kim said:
Your birth story photos made me cry. If you ever want to pop over to St. Louis and do mine...
(02.06.12 08:43 AM)
Beth said:
Please tell me where you got that little head scarf that your baby is wearing. I love it!!
(02.16.12 09:55 AM)
Anonymous said:
Oh, the beauty of newborn life!!
(03.20.12 06:36 PM)
Tamea T. Craddock said:
Your sweet Lola looks so pretty awesome. I've heard people tend to make photos while delivering, but these ones tell us the whole history of the family. My congratulations!
(04.06.12 01:35 AM)
Renee said:
Absolutely adorable pics...had to include the photo of Daddy and baby to pinterest board. thanks a bunch and great, great work.
(05.30.12 06:51 PM)
Katie said:
No one should be allowed to look that good during labor! :P What a beautiful family!! :)
(06.15.12 04:33 PM)
stephanie said:
My daughter loves the cupcakes, as do I. Wondering if you can tell how they were made or any hints at all. Thanks
(08.30.12 10:15 AM)
Kristin said:
Love love the invitations. What does the last circle say after it tells where they are registered? Too cute!
(09.03.12 11:03 AM)
Gailann - MummaG said:
This is absolutely beautiful. From the baby shower with it's unique theme andvwonderful guest activities to the birth shots I love it all x
(09.17.13 03:16 AM)
Jennings said:
Absolutely beautiful photos! Love!
(04.30.14 03:54 PM)
Shelly Rosenblum said:
Hi, I came upon your blog, WOW Your baby is beautiful I wish you many years of happiness.
I'm making a book theme baby shower for my daughter, I wondered if you would share how you made the little book toppers, they are great! Thank you, Shelly
(05.28.14 10:31 AM)
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Those of you who have been following along on twitter, know that Justin and I have had a few crazy last couple of months. Just over the two months of March and April I helped put on two baby showers, shot three birth stories, threw a birthday party, and gained two new nieces! I've wanted to blog all of this, but with wedding season in full swing life has been pretty tied up. So before the moment sweeps me away I've decided to clump together some of these events to make it a little easier. I'm going to start with the story of LUCILLE AMELIA! Justin and I shot Nicole & Jeff's maternity session a few months ago and so this is the continued stream of events.
Let's begin with Nicole's baby shower. Jill, my mom, and I put this on. We went with a theme of Lucille Lollipop. I didn't get to stay very long though because on that very same day my cousin Ruth gave birth to her beautiful baby girl Davy Jean. I was so honored to have had the opportunity to shoot that birth story (it was my first), click here to see Ruth's blog post about Davy Jean's birth story as well as read about Davy Jean's inspiring story of survival.
Before I left to the hospital I was able to capture a few details from Nicole's baby shower.
Lucy is now 6 weeks old! Coming up, a post featuring Kenny & Jill with my wonderful second niece LOLA DEE, it'll also include the shower, the birth story, as well as a few portraits!
Anthony Slusher said:
Oh man, some of these shots are just so phenomenal! Awesome job Amelia. I absolutely LOVE the close up shot of lucy and the shots of her with mom and dad over here. Killer job, and good choice with blogging it before you completely forgot about it and let it go! I always love seeing what new work you have to show.
(05.27.10 09:03 AM)
Jill Ison said:
oh what a gorgeous baby! and a very fine name if I do say so myself :)
(05.27.10 09:12 AM)
delbarr said:
These are beautiful images Amelia! I especially love the one of Nicole wearing yellow facing baby Lucy. So sweet! Such a framer :) And the ones with your boys holding the baby melted my heart, thanks for sharing!!
(05.27.10 10:02 AM)
Heather Thompson said:
I just love her so much!!!
(05.27.10 10:47 AM)
Alessandra said:
Wonderful!!! what a beautiful set of pictures and so very touching. Your photography is GRAND! I hope one day I can take a set like this. Wonderful, congratulations to you all
(05.27.10 01:19 PM)
molly said:
amelia!! these are insanely perfect!! i love them! the photo of nicole and lucy laying on the carpet looking at each other is my fave. i would blow it up HUGE and throw it up on the nursery wall :)
(05.27.10 09:09 PM)
Anna Bonick said:
Amelia!!! I told you you that witnessing birth was going to rock your socks! And your photographs did not disappoint--you captured Lucille's birth so perfectly. These are so gorgeous and I am so excited for your sister and her family! Congrats, Auntie!
(05.27.10 10:08 PM)
nicole wagner said:
amazing! Nicole, you look so happy! being a mommy is the best. so happy for you both! xo
Amelia, great pics!!
(05.27.10 11:22 PM)
Jane (Olive Hue Paper Goods) said:
Congratulations on becoming an Auntie! Nicole looks amazing and baby Lucille is so precious! Love how you captured those tender moments!
(05.28.10 12:04 AM)
Melissa@ The Loveliest Day said:
Oh, I love this! Baby Lucy is just perfect, and Nicole looked so beautiful, even through all that labor! Congratulations to your whole family, what a beautiful addition:)
(05.28.10 12:56 AM)
erin low said:
you did a great job on these. i now have some ideas for upcoming baby showers. i love the pics of nicole and jeff and little lucy! you did a great job!
(05.28.10 09:09 AM)
Tara Aherne said:
What a beautiful, amazing record, of probably the most significant moment of their lives. Very moving.
(05.28.10 10:54 AM)
Robin said:
What gorgeous babies you Brady girls make. I am near tears looking at these amazing pictures!
(05.28.10 03:43 PM)
heather said:
amelia, these are beautiful! lucille is a doll. the family is so lucky to have you and benefit from your amazing talents. you are such a sweetheart to drop everthing to be there for these births and capture the most priceless memories of all these families. i love these.
(05.28.10 05:05 PM)
Lyndzee said:
OH MY,,,,, these images brought me to tears. It is so amazing to see Nicole as a mother and how natural it is to her. I love baby Lucy,, she is such a good baby and so beautiful. Beautiful beautiful family,, LOVE them all sooo much.
(05.30.10 06:00 PM)
Lora Ayers said:
the baby wrapped in the yellow and gray blanket/scarf....LOVE IT!!!
(05.31.10 07:29 PM)
lucy O'Dell said:
love the name! and the beautiful girl :)
(06.01.10 11:36 AM)
Angie Wilson said:
The birth shots made me tear up...such amazing moments beautifully captured!
(06.02.10 12:37 PM)
chelsey booth said:
So cute! Nicole is so beautiful and makes such a cute Mom. Great pictures, you're so talented!!!
(06.02.10 01:04 PM)
julie h said:
soooo adorable. :) especially love the photo with the white carpet and her yellow shirt!
(06.03.10 10:23 PM)
Terryl said:
Your hospital/newborn shoots are so beautiful! They made me want to cry! :)
(10.28.12 04:38 PM)
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