Warning! Disclaimer: VERY long post ahead featuring a year in the life of our little Monroe! I really can't believe that she's already an entire year old! Time flies when you're having fun, and we've been having SO much fun with this little girl. She adds so much love to our home and we are so thankful that this sweetheart was born into our family!
So, without further ado I give you Monroe's first year of life!
Our first look at Monroe, just a few minutes old! September 14th, 2011.

One day old.

I CANNOT wait to see what the next year of Monroe's life will be like! I love you my little Roe!
Casey said:
Soooo beautiful! Loved them...
(09.20.12 01:42 AM)
Alyda said:
Seriously you have the most beautiful family! Makes me want children (that's a big deal). Your little girl is just so squeezable! xx
(09.20.12 05:12 AM)
Kate Whitmore said:
Amelia Lyon, you've got some gorgeous kiddos. Seriously obsessed with the black and white under the tree of the three of them. Perfect.
(09.20.12 05:54 AM)
Corissa said:
I LOVE this post!! She is adorable and your boys are so handsome! Happy One Year Monroe!
(09.20.12 06:36 AM)
Jade said:
Hi Amelia - love your work. I don't comment often, but I had to today. Just love the family happiness that oozes from these. Gorgeous.
(09.20.12 06:53 AM)
Kiki said:
Hello pretty baby. :)
(09.20.12 07:42 AM)
Heidi said:
Wow! Adorable pictures!!! Guess that's what happens when you parents are photographers.
But I seriously LOVE the picture of dad standing and baby leaning back in joy. I want to print it myself! SO cute!!!
(09.20.12 07:47 AM)
Grandma & Grandpa Lyon said:
Oh my, just what our hearts needed today!! WE LOVE HER! Thank you so much for making it possible to know her a little bit even though we have not even held her yet! We are so glad her parents are photographers! We are so glad she is in a family that loves her so much. She is blessed to have two wonderful, fun older brothers to love her and help her. Thank you for being such good parents. WE LOVE ALL OF YOU!!
(09.20.12 07:51 AM)
Millie said:
Ahhh, my heart just melted! I love your photography, but I love it best when looking at the photographs of your own family. So so great.
(09.20.12 08:11 AM)
Courtney said:
She's so adorable and my little girl will be one in 9 days!
(09.20.12 08:47 AM)
Drew Renner said:
Holy cow shes a cute little gal, love the post. You've inspired me to take better pics of my kids.
(09.20.12 09:16 AM)
Katie Metka said:
beautiful!! Monroe is so cute and your photos of her are just lovely!
(09.20.12 09:47 AM)
Lindsey Moreno said:
Such a fun post of a beautiful family and adorable little Roe. I love seeing how much you love your family. xo
(09.20.12 10:57 AM)
CHenin said:
Amelia, she is such a doll. I am so happy for you and Justin. You have a beautiful family and we're lucky to know you! xoxo!
(09.20.12 12:04 PM)
Rebecca said:
Awww she's too cute! She's got the most beautiful eyes ever, they smile!
(09.20.12 01:33 PM)
Carmen vanDyck said:
Love it!! She is beautiful, your family is so darn adorable, and what a great whole year post. Love it, love it!
(09.20.12 01:37 PM)
Brooke Ogilvie said:
Too much cuteness Amelia!! Beautiful family!
(09.20.12 01:59 PM)
Kelsey Murphy said:
Too much cuteness to handle! Love seeing your beauties up on the blog! :)
(09.20.12 04:24 PM)
emily said:
AWWW -- ameila, your kids are ADORABLE!!! Monroe is beautiful -- I love all the pictures capturing 1st year!
(09.20.12 06:32 PM)
Linda said:
Amelia, these pics brought so much joy to my heart. I have a baby girl of my own. Where do you get her flower headbands and that lovely romper? So much pretty!
(09.20.12 07:12 PM)
amelialyon said:
Thanks Chenin! We're lucky to know the Boutwells too!:)
(09.21.12 08:00 AM)
Erin said:
Cant believe she's a one year old. What an adorable, smiley girl!
(09.21.12 09:26 AM)
Ellie Be said:
this is too precious!! love love love watching her grow. she is adorable. your whole family is adorable. :)
(09.22.12 06:08 AM)
Hayley said:
What a beautiful girl. I actually said "aww" out loud a few times. She looks so happy and full of life!
(09.22.12 07:00 AM)
Saundra said:
well done, I love them!
(09.25.12 08:56 AM)
ksen :) said:
love!!! so beautiful. she is so precious, as are all of you! happy birthday Monroe!
(09.25.12 01:26 PM)
Jackie Wonders said:
OH MY WORD! loved the entire post Amelia! You're such an amazing mommy :) xo
(09.28.12 01:07 PM)
Kris Sundberg said:
You are soo good at keeping up with the family photos - What a cutie! Love seeing these!
(09.29.12 11:58 PM)
Collette Budd said:
Oh Amelia ♥ She is so precious its such a blessing to have boys then be blessed with a princess ♥ such is my world too. I adore the pics and how perfect Monroe looks in her hair pretty. Totally made my week!
(10.01.12 11:04 PM)
Lydia said:
The little girl in blue is adorable. Sensationally realistic photography. I like your style.
(10.02.12 02:50 AM)
amanda vanvels said:
what a sweet little girl. looks exactly like you, too!
(10.04.12 07:45 PM)
Christina said:
Wow! At one week old, she already looked so much like her brothers! Beautiful
(10.09.12 02:25 PM)
Alex Volmar said:
Wow, very nice pictures! - Love it!
(01.12.14 02:53 AM)
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A year in the life of our little Monroe!
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There are so many wonderful moments that I feel extremely blessed to be a part of and photograph. One of the most amazing things I've had the opportunity to photograph and witness are the births of my little nieces. Many of you may recall Lucy's birth story and Lola's birth story. What an emotional roller coaster, yet it's such a spiritual experience, photographs do not do it justice. I was thrilled when Jill and Kenny told me that they wanted me to be there to photograph the birth of their second baby girl Jade. What an intimate experience, to be honest I debated whether or not if I should blog these, but the images are too remarkable to not share (plus, I have the blessing from Kenny + Jill to share). Not to worry, I kept it clean!:) So here you go, let the images speak for themselves and tell this wonderful birth story of Jade Matilda!
I'm SO happy I get to have another beautiful niece in my life! Jade Matilda this aunt already loves you so much!
Kathy said:
These are so inspiring and beautiful!! You really allowed the beauty of birth to show in these photos. Kudos to Jill. Most of us could only wish to remain so beautiful throughout labor! :D
(05.29.12 02:03 PM)
Anonymous said:
I'm blown away! Amazing work.
(05.29.12 03:23 PM)
Angie Baxter said:
Absolutely breathtaking - some of the most moving images I have seen! x
(05.29.12 05:20 PM)
Traci said:
#1: These are amazing images! #2: I've never seen anyone look that beautiful during and after birth--holy cow!!!
(05.29.12 06:21 PM)
talia said:
these are beautiful! I don't know how to explain it but birth photos are ALWAYS better in black and white! thank you for sharing!
(05.30.12 10:17 AM)
Katie Metka said:
absolutely beautiful! 2.5 months til I get to meet our 5th! these photos make me wish these next few months would pass more quickly:)
(05.30.12 04:09 PM)
Erika said:
These are absolutely magical. What a special set of photos for little Jade to have when she gets older, to see how much her parents loved her even before she got here!
(05.30.12 07:22 PM)
Angie said:
LOVE these, so beautiful!
(05.31.12 12:54 PM)
MOM said:
WOW Honey you are so talented in shooting just the right moment and catching the right emotions - That was so beautiful how Kenny and Jill were feeling in those photos - It is such a blessing having a family, I am so thankful for you kids and for having such wonderful precious grand babies for Dad and I to love! Thanks again - YES....I am crying!!!
(05.31.12 02:24 PM)
SR said:
These melt my heart!
(06.09.12 03:22 PM)
Anonymous said:
That picture of him checking his cell that David Beckham? Amazing pics!
(06.11.12 10:55 AM)
Denver maternity photographer said:
your best work yet and some of the best coverage i have never seen like this. Congrats for your new baby. Both of looking very loving and caring, really outstanding job you guys.Denver maternity photographer
(06.11.12 11:52 PM)
Aruba Photographer said:
Wow! This is the first time I've ever seen a birth photo session. I love it! You did a great job at it! We do weddings but I think this is a much more significant moment to capture! Thank you very much for sharing!
(06.12.12 06:24 PM)
Shannon said:
What a special day captured. I had a chance to meet Kenny at The What IF Conference and he is one Awesome guy!! The way he talked about his wife and daughter was so special and was excited to see the new photos you posted of his new little one.
(06.14.12 01:58 PM)
Tracey Best said:
Wow girl those are soooooo fantastic!!! I love seeing the love between Kenny and Jill:) Jade is beautiful, just like her Momma:)
(07.18.12 03:46 PM)
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