For the past four days I've been out of town on a "Retreat" with my aunts and girl cousins (we do this once a year) and Justin has been at home playing Mr. Mom with our two boys. I was trying SO hard to sleep in this morning, but instead I woke up in excitement knowing that today I get to drive home and be with my boys!!! I decided to do a quick post with some photos of them that were taken last week.
Justin is such a great daddy!
Last week Jill (my talented sister-in-law) brought over a belated birthday present for Hudson...HAND MADE! Hudson was in heaven, to say the least, and now has an alter ego named "Thomas The Superhero"!
Justin took these shots of Sloan on our bed and I fell in love:)...miss my baby!
I thought this photo was so funny because at this point Sloan was obviously annoyed at Justin for interrupting his "show time" his stink face!
I can't wait to drive home this afternoon and wrap them all in my arms and just breathe them in!!!
Briony said:
what an awesome bday gift...every kid needs something like that. hope you have a great time reuniting with your boys :)
(06.01.09 10:10 AM)
Melissa Gartner said:
awe, they are all so cute!!
(06.01.09 11:20 AM)
neLz said:
i totally see myself doing the same whenever i start a family :) the memories will all be captured by me...every single one haha. Lovely family you have. God bless ♥
(06.01.09 11:38 AM)
angie + matt said:
Thomas the super hero Rules!!!!
(06.01.09 03:07 PM)
matt sloan said:
(06.01.09 03:49 PM)
Sarah @ said:
Enjoy the reunion =)
(06.01.09 04:10 PM)
ash said:
oh my, sloan just keeps getting cuter and cuter. he looks so cuddly. and in the third-to-last pic he looks JUST like you! :)
(06.01.09 08:46 PM)
Rog bobblejomama said:
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only daddy, playing mommy, that chills on the bed watching tv in diapers with his kids. Yep, me too...I'm lactose intolerant. I had a friend that had g.e.r.d., but not me. I'm just lactose intolerant. I wear pampers size 34, but Lyndzee likes me in pampers skinnies. Something about a hot booty or'd have to ask her cause I don't get it.
(06.01.09 09:52 PM)
Shari said:
They are so adorable!!!! THe one of him in his costume is priceless!
(06.02.09 12:15 PM)
jesi haack weddings said:
LOVE THESE!!!!! and I can totally relate!
(06.02.09 12:33 PM)
Ewan Phelan said:
The fourth photo is classic. Beautiful kids!
(06.02.09 06:50 PM)
jessie said:
WOW!! We sure do miss our boys! Super Hero Thomas come to Arizona to our rescue . . . PLEASE!!
(06.03.09 11:56 AM)
Julie Parker said:
I LOVE #4!! What a darling cape!
(06.03.09 03:04 PM)
Leah Simmers said:
THese are precious. I totally get the whole, "get out of my face with the camera I'm watching tv", lol. What a rockin bday gift, my kids would go crazy for one. Complete with face mask and arm bands, too cool!
(06.03.09 10:04 PM)
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Miss My Boys!
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We were so touched by this story and Cameron's deep desire to help out his friends that of course we agreed to help out. We donated some of our photos for Cameron to use for printing to sell. We aren't the only ones that contributed, other amazing photographers have donated their artwork as well, be sure to check out what they have to offer too. So far there have been a few sales, and every little bit will help, so we are putting the word out there.
Below are a few sentences I received from Cameron in an email earlier today:
"Anyways... just wanted to say a big fat THANK YOU for your love and generosity. It has meant so much to the Whittington family! Talking to Jackson's mom the other day, she mentioned that the money arrived at precisely the right moment. They had a Doctor's appointment that they didn't have the money for and WAHLAH Jackson's Smile provided exactly what they needed!"
So please, if you are in need of some great abstract artwork in your home, or even have a few bucks to spare, stop by to see what is being featured and sold.
I leave you with this adorable photos of Jackson at bath-time! Smiling! :)
Mandi said:
Thanks for lettting me know about this- I just purchased a print that will go perfect in my little boys' room. What a sweet little guy.
(04.28.09 06:37 AM)
Ashley Rose said:
omgosh such a cutie, do you know where they are located? my father in law repairs cleft palettes and would love to help!
(04.28.09 12:07 PM)
Cameron Ingalls said:
Amelia... You are rad-tacular! Thanks so much for supporting Jackson's Smile!
(04.28.09 03:42 PM)
Katherine said:
This is a great cause. The photos are amazing...which to order is the question! Thank you for sharing this story.
(04.29.09 07:23 AM)
kelly barber said:
We might have to look into helping Jackson, Zach was also born with a cleft lip and palate, and had maany surgereys. They should see if operation smile can help.
(05.07.09 12:13 PM)
evelyn said:
I just link this on myspace I will do it also on facebook and hopefully a lot of more people can help too!
(05.13.09 10:42 PM)
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