One of the funnest things to photograph on a wedding day (beside the bride and groom of course) are the set of rings! Ring-tography is what I like to call it! I do have to give credit to my talented husband Justin for most of these ring shots that were thought up and shot by him. I love looking over this collection in comparison to last year! Here are the best of rings from 2011!
Up next: Best of 2011....WEDDINGS!!! Be ready for it!:)
Rock This Moment said:
Amazing stuff. That was my favorite part of assisting the Lyons, learning cool macro and lighting techniques for ring shots. You guys rock!
(01.26.12 12:53 PM)
Christina Elston said:
love these shots- those are some damn fancy rings!
(01.26.12 12:54 PM)
Kate Whitmore said:
This is one of my favorite posts of any you do throughout the year. I'm already in waiting for the Ringtography post of 2012.
(01.26.12 01:25 PM)
Emilia Jane said:
Positively stunning.
(01.26.12 01:40 PM)
Natalie Norton said:
STOP IT RIGHT NOW! That top image?! Deserves an award. AMAZING.
(01.28.12 03:07 PM)
heather said:
all are good - but five is sooo creative yet so simple! Love it!
(01.29.12 07:40 PM)
Jenelle Sewell said:
Beautiful work and soo creative!
(01.31.12 06:45 AM)
Paige said:
wow. LOVE these. some of the best ring shots I've seen. love your work.
(01.31.12 10:06 AM)
Jen said:
Hands down the best ring shots I've ever seen! I need to step mine up I think!!
(02.01.12 08:26 AM)
SR said:
Love them all!
(02.08.12 07:54 AM)
maria said:
awesome collection of images! i loved seeing how creative you got with these. really fun. thanks!
(04.01.12 04:12 PM)
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Best of 2011.....RINGS!
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I LOVE posting photos of my kids, especially when they turn a new leaf like growing older! Sloan is the delight and humor to our family, and I can't believe that this kid is already FOUR years old! My oh my, he's turned out to be the witty-sweet-sassy kid I didn't know I could have! I love you my Sloanie-bologna!
After wanting to be a beyblade character, then a rhinoceros, then a ninja guy, he finally settled on being a dragon for halloween!
1. he JUST became a new big brother to his little sister Monroe!
2. loves Beyblades just like his older brother Hudson..."loves" is an understatement, he's a bit obsessed with them!
3. still likes to watch Yo Gabba Gabba episodes and I catch him singing the songs to himself all the time
4. has a small case of stage fright, but when you get him in the comfort of his own element he's a riot and's pretty funny the things he comes up with!
5. is attending pre-school right now in the seniors program. He says, "guess what mom, I go to seniors now because I'm a BIG-year-old!"
6. still loves the color pink, I think it'll always be his favorite!
7. is really sweet to his little sister Monroe and is constantly wanting to "see her face and kiss her cheek"
8. really good at coming up with games to play with older brother Hudson
9. his favorite thing to do with mom & dad is to "snuggle", he could do this all day long...we're embracing this as long as we possibly can!
10. he's learning how to write his name and its' so cute to watch him try to write while he sticks his tongue out (as if that helps lol!)
11. is pretty sneaky at getting things done the way that he wants them done, he's a clever kid
12. knows how to sweet-talk daddy into snuggling with him just to have daddy fall asleep in Sloan's bed all night long
13. we know if he's telling the truth with his embellished stories when he ends it with, "no, FOR REAL!"
14. asks mom everyday if he can "go to Target to get another hot-wheel" and if mom says no he says, "it's okay, we can go to Target to get another Beyblade!"
15. was able to do a voice-over for a "story-time" segment on one of the new Yo Gabba Gabba episodes. His raspy voice is adorable, we hope he never looses it!
16. is really sweet to Hudson & Monroe, what an amazing brother he is!

We LOVE you Sloanie-Bologna!
sandie said:
I can't believe he is 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you and miss you and love seeing your personal posts! They are my very fave!
(11.08.11 07:30 PM)
Adrienne said:
How adorable! I love how much you love your children. It makes me feel like there is some hope for the human race. Keep on, keepin' on.
(11.09.11 12:21 AM)
Grandma & Grandpa Lyon said:
We loved the photos very much too. Sad we couldn't be there, but there will be other B-days we can celebrate with him. We love his adorable personality, his big brown eyes and his raspy voice. Love you Guys...
(11.09.11 12:41 AM)
Shari Hanson said:
SOOOOO cute! how fun that our kiddos are all about the same age... (well except for my oldest- he's almost nine) Joshy is 6, Drew just turned 4 OCt. 30th and Aleks was born Sept. 22 - just after Monroe! I love the fun b-day pics...looks like it was a blast!
(11.09.11 06:53 AM)
Malinda Warder said:
My husband & I absolutely LOVE following your sweet family! So much fun & life in the Lyons. Thanks for sharing!
(11.09.11 11:38 AM)
amber fischer said:
That looks like the most fun birthday party in the history of the world. And those costumes! I can't get over that little candy corn - adorable. Happy Birthday Sloan - you've got the raddest hair, kid.
(11.10.11 10:18 AM)
Gordo said:
Damn i have the coolest looking nephew. haha He is such a STUD!
(11.22.11 09:19 PM)
Angi Davis said:
Fun shots! And what a great party!! I love that they call their grandmother "Magga" - our kids call Bill's mother "Mugga."
(11.23.11 08:51 AM)
Wedding Photographer Rayleigh said:
This girls photo is very very nice... I liked it...
(12.10.11 10:22 AM)
Magga said:
I love you too for being such an awesome MOM - You are an amazing and talented photographer - I love you sooooo much - Love your MOM and "Magga to your cute kids!
(12.18.11 04:59 PM)
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Sloan Turned 4!
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